Weird Question: Are All Hospital Nurses Wearing Scrub Caps Now?

Weird Question: Are All Hospital Nurses Wearing Scrub Caps Now?

I know this is a weird question, as you'd think I'd know the answer but are all floor nurses wearing scrubs caps now during the pandemic?

I graduated just before the pandemic hit, and took a break from nursing for a myriad of reasons (none having to do with covid), so I didn't see any scrub caps during my clinical rotations except in the OR. 

With covid, are the majority (or even all) RNs in the hospital setting wearing scrub caps now? I see even the MAs in my PCPs office are.

29 Answers

Specializes in ICU.

Nope, very few people in my ICU wear a scrub cap. I never have, a couple RNs do, never seen any of our hospitalists or Intensivists wear one unless it's required for a procedure like a central line. 

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

I wear them almost all of the time now, I buy the ones with buttons so my mask doesn't pull on my ears all the time and it helps keep my glasses from fogging up. Not everyone in my hospital wears them and they're not required, it's personal choice.  

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Wound Care.

I wear my scrub caps. Super glad we can without issue. I enjoy wearing the fun ones since I missed out on the days of wearing non-standard scrubs to work. No "uniform" set for them. I have some hair loss, so I am very happy to have something fun covering up my thinning hair. At one job, I requested a medical allowance to wear a head covering (really not sure why there would be rules against that anyhow, since a daily washed cap is probably cleaner than hair).... 

Another reason I like caps is that when you do need to wear full PPE, the N95 and KN95 masks have elastic that go over your head. Without a cap, every time you remove that mask, the elastic strap will pull wisps of hair out of your bun and ponytail until you look totally disheveled by the end of shift. 

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.
33 minutes ago, RNperdiem said:

until you look totally disheveled by the end of shift

Somehow I manage to look pretty disheveled even with a scrub cap. My daughter says it's a good thing I wear glasses, they minimize the bags under my eyes- ha. The caps do make it hurt a little less not having the rubber bands pull out hairs all night. 

Specializes in Geriatircs/Rural Hospitals.

Pretty much 100 percent in the ICU. Maybe a third on med/surge, 80 on PCU, 90 percent on telemetry.  I float alot.

Specializes in CMSRN, hospice.

I sometimes wear scrub caps for the same reasons as others; however, I get so overheated wearing them! Does anybody else get too hot?

I mostly wear some headbands I found on Etsy with buttons and stretchy fabric. They cover most of my head but leave room for a ponytail or bun to peep out. Better temperature control and similar protection, from my perspective.

Oh, and on the med-surg floors, I've seen about half wearing caps or headbands. During times when I was redeployed to ICU, ED, or COVID floors, it was the vast majority.

Specializes in Dialysis.

I'm not sure, but I'm in a clinic. The only reason I wear one is because with all of the PPE, I sweat a lot. Let me tell you that it is not fun cannulating when sweat casually drips into your eyes.

COVID changed a lot of things. I bought my first scrub cap a couple of months ago. I wear it when I have a COVID isolation patient. First kind of cap I have worn since the white nursing cap in nursing school.

Thanks for the responses! Would you guys be able to give a percentage of your peers you see wearing them? 

I appreciate your sharing what you have with me so far! 

Specializes in ER.

I was wearing them, I like to wear scarves and hats all the time anyway so they fit right in with my personality. The buttons on the sides make the masks slightly less unbearable, you don't get a headache from them going around your ears.

Specializes in Critical Care, Corrections.
On 9/28/2021 at 7:23 PM, RNperdiem said:

COVID changed a lot of things. I bought my first scrub cap a couple of months ago. I wear it when I have a COVID isolation patient. First kind of cap I have worn since the white nursing cap in nursing school.

I never wore a white hat. But I do wear a scrub hat when caring for a COVID patient. Then launder it once I’m off duty for the shift. I have a few now.

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