Wearing Scrubs Outside of the Workplace

Nurses General Nursing


I just wanted to post a question to see what others think of wearing scrubs outside of their place of work. I live in a small town about 30 minutes away from the hospital I work at and sometimes after work I try and get some errands done in the city before driving home. I do this so I don't have to make another trip to the city on my days off. I have a locker at work but it's just big enough to fit a purse so I can't even bring anything to change into after my shift. I would love to hear any opinions people have on this topic!

Specializes in M/S, Pulmonary, Travel, Homecare, Psych..

It was a non issue to me when I was younger. Still kind of is.

I, like you, would run errands after work then return home. Didn't (and still don't) see anything wrong with it.

Now a days, I prefer not to do it if I can avoid it. Mostly because I get tired of people stopping me in the middle of shopping to ask what is wrong with them (or their mother, or nephew, or........). That and I just don't like doing errands in scrubs that are dirty.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Run your errands. I'm more worried about the supposed cooties on the day care workers' scrubs than I am a nurses'.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

I'm not a fan of wearing scrubs to run errands in, although I've done it on a few occasions when I worked nights and knew if I went home to change, I'd never go back out. It wasn't so bad when I did errands before going to work, but the idea of wearing dirty scrubs and shopping for groceries is just kind of gross.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

Meh, I'm sure the Wal Mart shopping cart is way dirtier than my scrubs. :yuck:

I'm sure there are studies regarding the risk of transmission to the public, while wearing worn scrubs.

I do not care what they say.. it's an EWWWWWW. I do not want to lean over the fresh fruit and brush funky scrubs on them.

I could not WAIT to get out of work scrubs. Get a smaller purse, roll up a pair of yoga pants and a clean T-shirt.. it will fit.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

If you have a job that doesn't get cooties on your scrubs, it doesn't bother me. They are no dirtier than the clothes of other people in the store. However, if you've been working with germs all day and probably have some on you, please don't spread them throughout the produce section of your local supermarket -- or anywhere else for that matter.

Pack a small bag and put it in your car. You can change in your locker room, lounge, etc.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

Yeah I stop to do stuff on the way home all the time. Unless they were visibly soiled I never worry about it.

Specializes in ICU.

Depends. If I have blood all over me or if I dealt with a questionable patient that day, I won't go out. If it was a normal day, I don't mind running to the store. I always say your shopping carts are dirtier than me, to anyone who may question me.

I do work in a specialty where I see everything. Leaving with blood on me is not uncommon. Although the blood may be clean, I know the public would not be comfortable with it.

My ex would always complain about seeing healthcare workers at the store after their shift. I also know some days, I have two vented patients who I barely touched all day. Others, may have all kinds of crap like TB and I won't dare go out in public.

Im smart enough to know. The public can judge all they want, but I would never put anybody in danger.

Now a days, I prefer not to do it if I can avoid it. Mostly because I get tired of people stopping me in the middle of shopping to ask what is wrong with them

Now a days, I prefer not to do it if I can avoid it. Mostly because I get tired of people stopping me in the middle of shopping to ask what is wrong with them.

Good point! I never thought about that.

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care.

If people are seriously so in my space that they are touching my scrubs when I am at the store, they get what they get.

I don't rub myself on the produce at the grocery store, and I don't think anything is just floating off of my scrub top and contaminating the carrots, either.

(Nobody has ever stopped me in the store to ask me to look at their skin problem, does that really happen to you all?)

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