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Trending community topics from nurses and students. Displaying stories from the past 7 day(s).

  1. Starting this for THR Summer cohort
  2. Hi everyone, I thought this would be a great place where we can update each other. Wish us luck!
  3. Hi all! I didnt see a thread started for this Falls UCAN program at CU Denver. I applied and am still waiting to hear about an interview. Has anyone heard...
  4. This is what happened. I have a friend who is employed by a Travel Nursing Agency and got terminated from the assignment facility. She was called for...
  5. Hey all, wanted to start the Summer cohort thread since I didnt see one made. I got waitlisted for ED in the Charlotte market. Does anyone have any insight...
  6. Hello Everyone, I havent seen anyone start a thread for St. Lukes/ Desales University CRNA Program. Has anyone applied and interviewed, been accepted?
  7. Hello! Im curious if there are any current Samuel Merritt students who might be willing to chat sometime. I applied for Summer of 2025, and though I havent...
  8. Hi everyone! I did not see a forum yet for Rutgers ABSN for Summer 2025. I figured it would be a great way for us all to communicate on our nursing journey....
  9. So Ive been going through a divorce and I moved temporarily and didnt think to change my address and now BON is investigating me. Im still on the deed to the...
  10. Hello, wondering if anyone here has applied for the ADN program at Navarro college waxahachie! Wanting to connect with others as we wait for the email if we...
  11. Im 60 yrs old is too late for me to become a RN?
  12. Im wondering if anyone else has experienced sexism in the workplace as an NP, especially compared to working as an RN? Perhaps its because my field (NICU,...
  13. Nursrcy00901

    Different tests-why?

    Hello Im new to testing. I did the H test which was the healthcare one. But now Im doing test A which is cheaper than test H. Anyone know why? Its test...
  14. Desperate need of advice or any guidance on what to do. The complaint was submitted to the NSBN accusing me of diverting in January 2024. I did however test...
  15. Greetings, I am interviewing for a new in-pt Hospice position. I have experience in Case management. Can you please share with me what inpt is like? It...
  16. Hi everyone! I just applied to the Summer 2025 Nursing Program at Broward College, and Im so excited (and a little nervous). I wanted to start this discussion...
  17. Hello, looking for some advice if anyone has gone through this before...I entered RAMP In 2016 and completed in 2021 successfully due to diversion. I recently...
  18. Hello everyone, Im trying to get help and advice as I feel I have been put in a terrible situation and cant believe this is happening to me. My school said...