Emergent RN



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About Emergent

Emergent has 31 years experience as a RN and specializes in ER.

I keep learning.

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  1. Emergent

    Life Changes

    Still thinking of you Viva❤️❤️❤️🙏
  2. I've always given 2 weeks notice. I think 4 weeks is more appropriate for a salaried position. I left a per diem job while I was on orientation once, without notice. I had another job at the time. It just was not a good fit, and that's what ori...
  3. Emergent

    Healthcare in Mexico

    The ex is out of the hospital. Our son is getting him set up with a better living situation, where the landlord is nearby and speaks fluent English, and there are people who can help an elderly expatriate. Mexico is a much more down to earth society ...
  4. Emergent

    Life Changes

    Thinking of you Viva❤️
  5. Emergent

    Healthcare in Mexico

    My first husband has lived in Mexico for a while. He is 80 years old, he was quite a bit older than me when we married. He lives in Oaxaca. I think he basically lives there because he didn't work very hard his whole life, and so the cost of liv...
  6. Emergent

    President Biden thread

    This is a funny YouTube Jon Stewart reaction to the debate, btw. Better to laugh than cry...
  7. Emergent

    President Biden thread

    Actually I don't read the political forums here, this is an anomaly. But I did see some clips of the debate, and what we already knew is clearly very obvious from the president's performance. But meanwhile, it hasn't affected me personally. I see thi...
  8. Emergent

    President Biden thread

    On all levels. It hasn't hit bottom yet though. How we are living now though, is unsustainable. From materialism, massive debt, breakdown of the families, failure to properly educate children, entitlement, farmland being gobbled up by housing d...
  9. Emergent

    President Biden thread

    Well, the U.S. is clearly in a societal decline that is something that government really can't control, and maybe is making worse. I choose to focus closer to home on the things I do have influence over.
  10. Emergent

    President Biden thread

    This isn't the first time this has happened. Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan come to mind. Obviously, the country keeps humming along, run by big corporations, special interests, etc... Woodrow Wilson's wife was reported to have been his...
  11. Emergent

    Life Changes

    Hi Viva! It's hard to get this news. I respect and admire your choice to live out your remaining time comfortably, and facing the transition into the next life this way. You've always been so real and open here on Allnurses. You have been a lov...
  12. This one is good! Kendra is a natural storyteller. There are so many gems in this video. https://youtu.be/tQtxkSS-z74?si=HZ10ZTPeIDLXafKI
  13. Emergent

    Nursing is Toxic Video

    Despite the overly dramatic title, this is a very professionally presented video detailing the negative human dynamics of a new to the ICU orientee. This nurse really spells out the social realities of many nursing units. I think many of us have expe...
  14. What is needed is a more accurate test for THC. It's ridiculous to limit the off duty, legal use by nurses. After all, if you were taking a pain pill that was legitimately prescribed, they wouldn't get their panties in a bunch. When I was the s...
  15. You are going to have occasional faux pas that angers a patient. The best thing to do is to apologize as soon as possible. He might be a cranky old man, but as detailed above, you didn't read the orders correctly. If a patient questions an order, alw...