Ado Annie ASN, RN


Nursing is my second career, and I'm so glad I made the change. I don't always love it, but most of the time I do.

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About Ado Annie

Ado Annie has 13 years experience as a ASN, RN and specializes in Med/Surg.

Latest Activity

  1. Ado Annie

    Wednesday July 24th 2024

    Oh, wet sheets, laundry, and cat boxes! Ain't we got fun?😅 So Hubs decided I needed a "new" phone (it's refurbished, but new to me) and now I have to re-establish all my connections (userid, password, etc.) Then I will organize all the little ic...
  2. Ado Annie

    Tuesday July 23, 2024

    Well, y'all, I passed the CIC exam. Relieved for 2 reasons: (1) I can stop worrying about it (but do need to figure out exactly what to do to maintain certification), and (2) the Oklahoma Hospital Association will now reimburse me the $400+ for the e...
  3. Ado Annie

    Monday, July 22

    Happy birthday, Stars. I'm sorry it revolved around Bowel Duty. I've been madly studying with occasional breaks. My poor old brain. I grilled pork chops last night and used some hickory chips to add some smoke. Hubs says the generator is m...
  4. Ado Annie

    Friday July 19th 2024

    Glad you "woke up" and realized you could turn off the alarm, Tweety 😅 Joe, are you going to Brown County? That was a favorite destination in the fall for us. Changing jobs is a big move... but possibly worth it if you are over-stressed. I...
  5. Ado Annie

    Tuesday July 16th 2024

    Joe, I'm glad the storms weren't too severe where you are. Stars, we can put a lot of "shoulds" on ourselves but somedays you "should" give yourself a break. It is possible that I give myself too many breaks. Last night I planned to weed the ga...
  6. Ado Annie

    Monday July 15th 2024

    dianah, that soup sounds good. Happy bday to your son. It was a Monday at work, starting with the EHR being down for a couple of hours. One patient admitted overnight had flu but the nurse didn't mention that in report and without access to the...
  7. Ado Annie

    Sunday July 14th 2024

    Tweety, it is a skate easy assignment. And the aide is an excellent one who won't ignore call lights, will make sure everyone is bathed and walked, etc. Woke at 5:00 this morning to an imminent threat alert on my phone that said an armed and da...
  8. Ado Annie

    Friday July 12 2024

    dianah, I enjoy the new Poirot shows, too. And need to rewatch Waking Ned Devine! There were 6 patients on the floor today. Even though there were 2 nurses and an aide, it fell to me to do an outpatient EKG and an outpatient blood transfusion. N...
  9. Ado Annie

    Thursday July 11th 2024

    Well. I misunderstood. Brother and SIL still have no power and they've been told it will be at least the 14th before they do. My passport came today! Did you ever see the Steve Martin movie The Jerk? He got excited when his name was in the phon...
  10. Ado Annie

    Thursday July 11th 2024

    Goodness. Glad Jozee's eye is healing. I've never had to give any of my pets eye drops, that I remember. Hubs, on the other hand, has eye drops again because he scratched his cornea somehow. He has a pterygium in that eye, too, so he's really h...
  11. Ado Annie

    Thursday July 11th 2024

    Hello, all. Glad Slowbro and Momo are feeling better. I checked in with my brother who lives on the Texas Gulf coast. They were without power for ... I don't know. A while. But all else was fine. Our boil advisory was lifted on Monday (yay...
  12. Ado Annie

    President Biden thread

    Yes, and we let patients along with their *doctors*, not politicians, decide when the benefit to the patient outweighs the risks.
  13. Ado Annie

    Tuesday July 9th 2024

    Nice pictures, dianah. It looks cool and pleasant, even if it isn't (cool). Rose_Queen, one thing that gets me through some hot days is freezer pops. I'm especially fond of the purple-flavored ones but they're all cold and sweet, which is what ...
  14. Ado Annie

    Sunday July 7th 2024

    Joe, that sounds like a nice visit with family. It's windy, raining, and rumbling outside. Hubs already said he plans to stay home. So I'm thinking I will skip church and lie here reading. My current book is nonfiction, by a woman who is/was a h...
  15. Ado Annie

    Friday July 5th 2024

    Well, #*&^. Now we are on a boil advisory as a precaution because of several days with low water pressure. I bought bagged ice (brought in on a truck -- I checked) for the hospital and we have bottled water for the patients. Possibly our filters ...