nursej22 MSN, RN

Public Health, TB

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About nursej22

nursej22 has 39 years experience as a MSN, RN and specializes in Public Health, TB.

Latest Activity

  1. nursej22

    Questioning American Politics?

    What does this mean? Her potential for what?
  2. nursej22

    Friday July 26th 2024

    Hi. I went with big sis to see the radiation oncologist today. The plan is 33 treatments, daily, 5 days a week. She will get a scan next week, then it takes about 2 weeks to set everything up to start. She sees the medical oncologist next Wednesday, ...
  3. nursej22

    Questioning American Politics?

    There are a lot of people who are very much in favor of Harris, and more every day. I think she can win, and right now, I don't think anyone else has access to the funds to support a run for president this close to election day. I am sorry you ...
  4. nursej22

    The election 2024 Thread

    I don't put much stock in polls, but this seemed significant:
  5. nursej22

    The Trump Thread

    I thought this the first time I saw the video. He seemed to be putting all the SS agents as well as himself at risk. I never heard though, did he get his shoes back? Another question I've had is why do an open air event with so many unsecured vi...
  6. nursej22

    The election 2024 Thread

  7. nursej22

    The election 2024 Thread

    Any day now, he's going to call her horse-face.
  8. nursej22

    Thursday July 25th 2024

    Hello. Today has been another mild day. Starts off cool in the am, until the marine layer of clouds burn off, and then we have soft sunshine with a breeze. Actually, this last week has been much more typical of our usual summers. The past few years h...
  9. nursej22

    This was interesting in the news today...

    An interesting article fact checking some of trump's claims made during is convention speech:
  10. nursej22

    Tuesday July 23, 2024

    Congrats, to you Annie! My old boss encouraged us public health nurses to take that exam, but I retired before doing so. We worked with infectious diseases, esp. the reportable ones. I had an episode of sciatica a couple of years ago, and had t...
  11. nursej22

    The election 2024 Thread

    Trump is jealous, he thinks that money is his.
  12. nursej22

    This was interesting in the news today...

    He tried to conceal campaign contributions by falsifying business records. He reimbursed Cohen for payments made to Daniels, but labeled them as legal fees. He also added on to the total to cover the income tax that Cohen would owe, as if they actual...
  13. nursej22

    This was interesting in the news today...

    Okay, I guess I see your point; I think I had a different view of chaos. comparing the 2 campaigns is like comparing authoritarianism to a democratic (small d) process. Only a few key people make decisions versus several, equal voices.
  14. nursej22

    This was interesting in the news today...

    Perhaps the Democratic campaign seemed chaotic because their candidate(s) have day jobs, that include flying around the world. The economy didn't rebuild itself, not to mention reducing border crossings. Trump's day job seems to be golf and try...
  15. nursej22

    How to respond to opoid addiction?

    You listen to their concerns, and clarify what they believe the consequences are. Then, you can educate about why the patient is prescribed opioids, what are the alternatives, and what the actual adverse effects and risks are.