Our baby was stillborn... Please help me understand

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Some of you may recall me mentioning that I was pregnant and scheduled for C-section on June 23rd. Well, I visited the hospital for an NST on the 18th because I hadn't felt the baby move that morning, and I wanted reassurance. The nurses couldn't find his heartbeat, so an U/S was done. No heartbeat noted, and just like that the baby that we loved and wanted so much was gone. :crying2: I was completely shocked.

He was delivered by C-section later that night. He was beautiful... 9 lbs., 20" long and looked perfect. The cord was not wrapped around his neck. He had died about 2 days before. I just can't understand how a full term baby can suddenly die. I know some of you nurses have seen this before... please help me understand how this could have happened. I am scared to death to try again... I've also had 1 miscarriage. But, we want more children so badly.

We declined an autopsy... I couldn't stand the thought of my precious baby being cut up. Please help me understand what might have caused this. I am an emotional wreck right now. My pregnancy progressed perfectly with no problems. I think I might have sleep apnea... I recall waking up several times one night last week panting as though I hadn't breathed in awhile. Do you think that's when the demise could have occurred?

I'm sure many of you have been through this. How did you manage? Right now I don't know how I'm going to get through it. I am on Xanax and Vicodin, but whenever they wear off I just want to cry. The nurses at the hospital were great, I don't know how I would have managed without them. However, when I was ready to see him I rang my call light and requested to see my baby and whoever answered said "okay, we'll bring IT down." That just broke my heart. She should at least have known he was a boy.

Thank you in advance for any help, wisdom, or encouragement you can give.

I'm sorry for your loss :o How terrible for you and your family.


Specializes in Utilization Management.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your baby, nurse_wannabe.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I am so very sorry for your loss. Please accept my sincere condolences.

Specializes in Medical.

I am so sorry for your loss.

(((((BIG GENTLE HUGS))))))

My sincere thoughts are with you and your family....


Some of you may recall me mentioning that I was pregnant and scheduled for C-section on June 23rd. Well, I visited the hospital for an NST on the 18th because I hadn't felt the baby move that morning, and I wanted reassurance. The nurses couldn't find his heartbeat, so an U/S was done. No heartbeat noted, and just like that the baby that we loved and wanted so much was gone. :crying2: I was completely shocked.

He was delivered by C-section later that night. He was beautiful... 9 lbs., 20" long and looked perfect. The cord was not wrapped around his neck. He had died about 2 days before. I just can't understand how a full term baby can suddenly die. I know some of you nurses have seen this before... please help me understand how this could have happened. I am scared to death to try again... I've also had 1 miscarriage. But, we want more children so badly.

We declined an autopsy... I couldn't stand the thought of my precious baby being cut up. Please help me understand what might have caused this. I am an emotional wreck right now. My pregnancy progressed perfectly with no problems. I think I might have sleep apnea... I recall waking up several times one night last week panting as though I hadn't breathed in awhile. Do you think that's when the demise could have occurred?

I'm sure many of you have been through this. How did you manage? Right now I don't know how I'm going to get through it. I am on Xanax and Vicodin, but whenever they wear off I just want to cry. The nurses at the hospital were great, I don't know how I would have managed without them. However, when I was ready to see him I rang my call light and requested to see my baby and whoever answered said "okay, we'll bring IT down." That just broke my heart. She should at least have known he was a boy.

Thank you in advance for any help, wisdom, or encouragement you can give.

I'm so sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers.

However, when I was ready to see him I rang my call light and requested to see my baby and whoever answered said "okay, we'll bring IT down." That just broke my heart. She should at least have known he was a boy.

The tactlessness of some nurses infuriates me. These fools need to be taken aside and taught some bedside manners.

I'm terribly sorry you had to go through this. You baby is a boy, not an it. I have three healthy children but I'd like more children and getting pregnant again for me is proving not to be easy, and I empathize with you.

I am so sorry.

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss, I hope you get some answer to your questions soon

i'm so sorry to hear of your loss. my heart goes out to you and your family as well as many well wishes and prayers.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

I am so sorry for you and your family. Please accept my sincerest condolences on your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
some of you may recall me mentioning that i was pregnant and scheduled for c-section on june 23rd. well, i visited the hospital for an nst on the 18th because i hadn't felt the baby move that morning, and i wanted reassurance. the nurses couldn't find his heartbeat, so an u/s was done. no heartbeat noted, and just like that the baby that we loved and wanted so much was gone. :crying2: i was completely shocked.

he was delivered by c-section later that night. he was beautiful... 9 lbs., 20" long and looked perfect. the cord was not wrapped around his neck. he had died about 2 days before. i just can't understand how a full term baby can suddenly die. i know some of you nurses have seen this before... please help me understand how this could have happened. i am scared to death to try again... i've also had 1 miscarriage. but, we want more children so badly.

we declined an autopsy... i couldn't stand the thought of my precious baby being cut up. please help me understand what might have caused this. i am an emotional wreck right now. my pregnancy progressed perfectly with no problems. i think i might have sleep apnea... i recall waking up several times one night last week panting as though i hadn't breathed in awhile. do you think that's when the demise could have occurred?

i'm sure many of you have been through this. how did you manage? right now i don't know how i'm going to get through it. i am on xanax and vicodin, but whenever they wear off i just want to cry. the nurses at the hospital were great, i don't know how i would have managed without them. however, when i was ready to see him i rang my call light and requested to see my baby and whoever answered said "okay, we'll bring it down." that just broke my heart. she should at least have known he was a boy.

thank you in advance


wow, i am just so sorry. i can't believe what i am reading. i have been working all weekend so i am late to see this---- but saw your post and just wanted to say how sorry i am for your loss. my heart, thoughts and prayers go out with your whole family.

i can't comment with any real expertise as to "what happened". sometimes, even with an autopsy, a truly definitive and sure answer does not come, that much i can say. we will probably never know for sure what happened. it does not help to hear this, i know. i just wish i could tell you not to feel the feelings you will in the next days and weeks........

your experience is way too new and raw to do so now....but when you are ready please seek counseling about this loss. if only to talk about it with someone who can help and give you insight and help you be able to discuss feelings with others sharing your loss.

do not underestimate what this loss can do to you and your marriage/intimate relationships. the feelings that are sure to come are going to be overpowering unbelievable. shock, anger, guilt and sadness so profound you feel you will want to run away or just die. those are some things that come to mind for me. please, please do not shut those who love you out, including the baby's father. i know you may find it hard to believe, but that sometimes happens with those losing pregnancies and children. the person you may need most is your baby's father, but at times the pain will be so great, you will feel you can't talk or even touch. i know a bit of what i am saying here, and i am sorry i am not saying it well. i am just trying to reach out as someone who has experienced multiple pregnancy loss (not a stillbirth, but many losses of 1st and 2nd term pregnancies). i just don't want you to shut down and put up a wall around you----like i and others i know did.

please ask your nursing staff and/or a therapist about local support groups. there are so many who have been through this that you may benefit from talking to. people who share the raw and incredible and overpowering grief you are feeling. please, know you are not alone.

again, i can't tell you how sorry i am. truly so sorry. if you need anything, please pm me. i will do whatever i can to help. you and your family lost a child and with that, a dream. the pain is horrendous and for a while, unmitigated. again, i say, do get help to cope. whatever you do, do not try to go it "alone". please. :crying2: :o

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