traumaRUs MSN, APRN

Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU

Trauma Columnist

About traumaRUs

traumaRUs has 32 years experience as a MSN, APRN and specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I have a total of 31+ years of nursing experience; including 10 years as an RN in a level one trauma center ED. Now, I'm an experienced (17+ years) nephrology APRN. In my spare time, I volunteer on my rural fire department as a licensed Pre-Hospital RN. I'm also a proud USN veteran. 

Latest Activity

  1. traumaRUs

    Recovery RN

    Dialysis is very recovery friendly and they usually need nurses
  2. I committed a med error as a new APRN that ultimately led to death. That was many years ago but I still tell the story to new APRNs in the hopes they can avoid my awful mistake. I do not profit from this experience but I'm also fortunate to retain my...
  3. traumaRUs

    Calling all crusty old bats ‘?

    I've been a member since 1999. Lots of memories
  4. traumaRUs

    How to Thrive as a Nurse: Expert Advice from Nurse Blake

    I met Nurse Blake many years ago (maybe 2014 or so) at NTI. What a fun and interesting nurse. Those were the days of the Scromper - LOL Great article/interview. Our group of 9 APRNs got to catch one of his shows last year - so funny and such tru...
  5. traumaRUs


    I agree with Hppy! Get some in-person help to debrief from this traumatizing event. I was a new APRN (only on the job 6 months) and I made a potentially fatal prescribing error. The pt was harmed and I went thru 7 years of a lawsuit. The only thing ...
  6. traumaRUs

    Life Changes

    Oh Marla - your spirit is inspiring. I know how much you have suffered in the last few years. You gave your heart and soul to AN and helped so many here. You will certainly be missed. Give our thanks to your husband for sharing you with us
  7. Dialysis companies like Fresenius and Davita are very friendly for those in recovery. There are no narcotics and since providers now have to eprescribe ALL controlled substances you don't even handle scripts. Best wishe
  8. traumaRUs

    Foley Catheter Use After Kidney Transplant

    Probably due to obstructive uropathy or neurogenic bladder. Some renal transplant pts can still develop obstructive uropathy and not be able to void on their own. However, its very important that they stay well hydrated and so of course they need to ...
  9. traumaRUs

    Paramedics Criminally Charged/Convicted

    I'm on a volunteer Fire/EMS dept. I run ALS calls and tonight I had to restock narcs. We do use ketamine for chemical restraint. That said, this is a rural dept that covers a lot of area and we do NOT transport. We have a protocol for chemical restra...
  10. traumaRUs

    Calculating the Worth of the NP assignment

    I don't work in a hospital, but rather for a large private practice nephrology group. Does the hospital or practice unit measure the NP's productivity? Yes, very closely. We bill for office visits under our names. We code the visits manually. ...
  11. traumaRUs

    The Working Poor-Nurses

    My nursing salary is very generous and we would be able to easily survive on it alone. However, I went back to school at 48 and while working full time got an advanced degree. My RN salary was a great second income but we would have had to cut back o...
  12. traumaRUs

    Retired Nurses

    Well, I'm 65 and still working. Unsure about retirement at the moment - probably, maybe, not sure, really up in the air... I do think I would like to cont to work part-time only because when I was young and foolish somehow I thought I wasn't goi...
  13. traumaRUs

    Already Burnt out

    I'd contact a lawyer about getting out of that contract. Reeks of fraud with unnecessary and BILLED tests. Yike!
  14. traumaRUs

    Interview A Nurse: A School Project

    Ill try to help you out: 1. What is nursing for you? Nursing is a wonderful career. I've been a nurse for 30+ years. I enjoy helping people and as I'm very experienced, I enjoy it much more. 2. What are the roles of nurses based on your ex...
  15. traumaRUs

    CNS, an APRN role on life support?

    @txrnblue - what type of role are you in???