Life Changes

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Hello everyone, I'm a longtime member here whom I hope some of you will recall. I haven't been around much because of battling serious health problems, but for many years prior to 2023 I visited and posted at least daily. I was a moderator for six years and have been a Guide since 2011. I've always loved it here, but now the time has come to prepare to say goodbye.

You see, I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the lung with mets to the other lung and lymph nodes. My prognosis is extremely poor; chemotherapy is the only mode of treatment available for my kind of cancer, and I don't want it. I always said I'd never do chemo because of what I saw it do to patients, most of whom were miserable from throwing up and having diarrhea and not feeling like eating because of the nausea. They lost their hair, their teeth, and a good portion of their dignity. No thank you! I'd rather have six months of "OK" than a year of feeling terrible.

So, I've chosen to let nature take its course. No more hospital stays, doctor appointments, scans or procedures. I'm on hospice, which has already helped tremendously with comfort care and things like funeral planning. I have good days and bad days; today is one of my good ones, which is why I'm posting this now. I don't have much energy or strength, and I sleep a lot. Food doesn't interest me, so I've lost a lot of weight. But my soul remains strong, and I'm looking forward to the day when I see my husband and baby daughter again. I know I walk with God and trust him to lead me home.

Thanks for reading this rather lengthy post. I've enjoyed being here at AN all these 22 years, and I'll still be around for a little while yet so I'll keep checking in. God bless you. Viva 

Specializes in PICU.

Sending many blessings, thank you for all of your years of dedication. 

Specializes in VA-BC, CRNI.

I remember your posts from many, many years ago. I always appreciated your insights and pithy comments, you will be remembered and missed. 

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

I wish you peace on your final journey. Thank you for all your posts and wisdom. You've shared your real world experiences, both good and bad. 

Specializes in Psychiatry, Community, Nurse Manager, hospice.

Thank you for sharing, you will be remembered here Viva. Many blessings in your journey.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Dear Viva,

Thank you for the thousands of sage words you've offered to our members over the past 20+ years especially regarding mental health challenges and LTC/assisted living advice.  We've shared laughter and tears along with some wisecracks too. May your Hospice team offer you great comfort in this final health experience.  Your words will live-on forever at Allnurses.




I joined back in 2017 and remember reading your posts all the time. You don't know me, but I want to thank you for your encouraging words to myself and to all future nurses who visit this site.

 Your faith is strong. I have no doubt, your husband and baby daughter will be there waiting with arms wide open.

Much love, happiness, and peace on your journey home.

Specializes in Hospice.

Go in peace.

Wishing you comfort, peace and contentment 💙

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.

Safe travels and you will be missed❤️✌️

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

I've considered you a voice of wisdom and reason and an online friend for many years now.  Bless you on your eventual reunion with your heavenly family, may the journey there be peaceful. You will be greatly missed.

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

Absolutely remember you. Wishing you comfort and peace and appreciate you letting us know what is going on.

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