Job you would NEVER do in nursing....

Nurses General Nursing


The economy stinks and new grads and other nurses are searching for employment.

What nursing job would YOU never do and why.....


Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

Probably alzheimers/ dementia type unit. Any time I had a patient in that category when unit nursing i always found myself being stressed out (usually unnecessarily) that they were going to climb out of bed or pull out their foley or IV - i don't think i could take that on such a frequent basis.

Specializes in ICU, Research, Corrections.

I would never want to work in any capacity in PEDS. OB is also an automatic rule out.

I work PRN in corrections and find that I really enjoy that job. I see so many different problems and I am always safe with a guard with me. These are people that don't even know to raise their tongue when taking an oral temp! And mouths that are so interesting to explore with black stubs instead of teeth. Definitely not your run of the mill hospital pt.

After tiring of the ICU, I think I would to try PACU next.

Specializes in acute rehab, med surg, LTC, peds, home c.
Psych. Psych patients (esp depressives) give me this almost overwhelming urge to backhand someone and that's probably not very therapeutic. ;)

I know what you mean. They can be really self absorbed and manipulative and that gets on my nerves. The really ill ones just depress me.

Burns. God bless the burn nurses. I could never do it.


i'm currently considering taking the leap and going back to school for nursing. i'm debating myself left and right trying to decide if this is the "right" decision for me. i'm all over this website reading everything i can.

last night i asked my SO if i shouldn't be a nurse if there's a certain population i don't really want to work with. meaning, of course i would do my best and there's times when i would have no choice or just need the job. but there are some kinds of patients i just really wouldn't want to work with if i had a choice. and i was worried that if i felt that way, that meant i don't have what it takes to be a good nurse.

but reading through all your replies just thankfully made me realize it only means i'm human.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

When I first started out in nursing school, it was with the full intention of being a LDRP nurse; and when we started our clinicals in the nursing home I thought I could never in a million years work in such a place. But I fell in love with geriatrics, and now I wouldn't want to be a labor/delivery nurse for anything---I can't handle it when the babies don't make it---nor could you pay me enough to work in a NICU/PICU, a psych unit, or corrections.

Specializes in Med Surg.

Pediatric psych. When I saw how bad some of these kids have been messed up by the adults in their lives I would always be afraid that my baser instincts would take over and I might go hunting.

Specializes in Med-Surg/Oncology, Psych.
Here's one no one has mentioned yet: case management! Can't imagine having it be my job to tell people that their insurance has denied them treatment, and that they basically have to get out of the hospital whether they're ready to or not! Or to tell someone's family that their loved one probably needs to go to a nursing home, and "BTW, the only nursing homes with beds open right now are 75 miles away." Not for me.

I am totally with you on this one! We have amazing case managers/liasons/social workers/discharge planners at my facility, and the job they do is so important, but I would HATE to do that kind of work.

Specializes in ER.

Love ERs, Pedia, ICUs but not OB cases..

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

I'm applying for new grad jobs right now, and I'm afraid to say what I'd never do. Like I'd be cursed with having to take that job. :coollook:

I couldn't do OB or NICU. It turns out that I'm pretty good with kids, it's just the parents that get on my nerves at times. If I ever get tired with the ED, I'll make the switch and become a Lactation consultant.

Specializes in NICU.
I couldn't do OB or NICU. It turns out that I'm pretty good with kids, it's just the parents that get on my nerves at times. If I ever get tired with the ED, I'll make the switch and become a Lactation consultant.

wwaiiit, but you don't like the parents! You want to help women lactate?

I miss ED sometimes! Oh traumas!!!

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