Job you would NEVER do in nursing....

Nurses General Nursing


The economy stinks and new grads and other nurses are searching for employment.

What nursing job would YOU never do and why.....


Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

will never work l&d or on any peds unit...cannot deal with the families and love is hospice and psych...generally the crazier the patient the the more i love my job.....

Specializes in Just school!.

I could NEVER work with a podiatrist...I hate feet with a passion. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankfull as heck for my feet, but anyone else's just totally grosses me out...blech! :paw:

Peds- when my oldest son was a baby he had chronic high fevers... One particular night the doc wanted to get a spinal tap on him to check for infections... Needless to say, I was asked to step out of the room since I would be disturbed by the procedure. So, I was escorted over to the ambulance doors and asked to wait. An ambulance brought in a little girl about 3 years old with a paramedic on top of her giving her chest compressions. I scrambled out of the way and stood in horror as they rushed her into a private area... Her mother followed, she looked as pale as a ghost and was mumbling about a pool while a nurse tried to comfort her. 20 minutes later a doctor came out of the private room and took her into a quiet room behind where I was standing.... Next thing I know, I hear this heart wrenching wail and sobbing "Oh God! My baby is dead! My angel!!!" and so on... She went nuts as I would if I were in her shoes... It was so awful I burst into tears... I could literally feel her pain. Right there and then all those years ago I said I would NEVER EVER EVER do peds!

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

Before starting nursing school I had a list of areas I didn't want to work in, since then one of the biggest units I said I would never I am feeling the biggest pull to and I am only 1/4 of the way done LOL That said one area I know will never change is the burn unit.

Fire is my biggest fear and their is no way I will take a job that will only facilitate those fears and remind just how damaging and horrific fires can be.

That is the only one I can still say for sure.

I wouldn't have a problem with hospice, that is why I am studying nursing in the first place.....but I don't think I could work with violent drug abusers. One of my instructors had to work with a man who had killed a child while on drugs. My goal is to never say never though, so I hope I can gain other perspectives throughout my career. Maybe being open minded will allow me to get jobs when other new grads can't.

Orthopedics. Had to turn a hip fx patient during my CNA acute care for the first time...the way she screamed I'll never get over it. Too much pain and I feel like I'm the one causing it by trying to give care.

Psych. Psych patients (esp depressives) give me this almost overwhelming urge to backhand someone and that's probably not very therapeutic. ;)

Specializes in neurology, cardiology, ED.

Here's one no one has mentioned yet: case management! Can't imagine having it be my job to tell people that their insurance has denied them treatment, and that they basically have to get out of the hospital whether they're ready to or not! Or to tell someone's family that their loved one probably needs to go to a nursing home, and "BTW, the only nursing homes with beds open right now are 75 miles away." Not for me.

I also would never do L&D, OB, or Peds... I really don't like children or pregnant women.

I thought I would never do psych, but now realize no matter where you are, you're dealing with psych issues, you can't escape it.

Specializes in ICU, CV, Occ Health.

dialysis nursing

Specializes in jack of all trades.
dialysis nursing

Been there done that never again!!!! Dont like Psych at all. LOVE LOVE LOVED Burn ICU probably more than anything I've done.

I could never do Med Surg. I dont know how you guys handle all those patients!!!! I like making my patients stable and moving them onto to someone else. The best part is if they are a lot of drama they are either going to be discharged or admitted. Either way they will be out of my care in a few hours! I love my job :)

Specializes in ER.

Burn nursing and psych- with burns you have to hurt the patients terribly and regularly to help them. Perhaps if I actually did it I would feel differently. I think I would like oncology which has many of the same issues.

Psych- you can't get your hands on the actual problem, there are no blood levels or tests to guide you. I can't abide manipulation, and that's part of the symptom set for a lot of psych patients.

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