Do you disclose AN to coworkers

Specialties School


Do any of you SN folks let your coworkers know that you are on AllNurses ?

If so, do you disclose your username ?

Are you comfortable with this ?

Just curious. I do not want anyone I work with to know or identify me on here.

Thanks !

Oh HELL no!

That said, I was at my local Panera this afternoon, and there was a gaggle of nursing students taking up the biggest tables at lunchtime (the place was packed and there were little old ladies cruising around for a place to eat their lunch) with their laptops and their books. They had been studying and they were apparently on a study break -- not eating or drinking anything, you see, just cruising on AN and arguing about the latest iteration of the "Nurse Bully" thread. I could hear every word. I SO wanted to walk up to their table and say "I'm Ruby Vee."

I LOVE This!!! :woot:

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

Not a school nurse - but no way Jose! To public and I value anonymity too much!

Specializes in LTC, Rehab.

I've just told a few people about something funny or interesting or a rant on here, but didn't say a work about my ID or anything else...

My old friends from the clinic will know me if I'm here because we text with bitmojis and my avatar looks like me.

But they love me. They know how I am.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
Oh HELL no!

That said, I was at my local Panera this afternoon, and there was a gaggle of nursing students taking up the biggest tables at lunchtime (the place was packed and there were little old ladies cruising around for a place to eat their lunch) with their laptops and their books. They had been studying and they were apparently on a study break -- not eating or drinking anything, you see, just cruising on AN and arguing about the latest iteration of the "Nurse Bully" thread. I could hear every word. I SO wanted to walk up to their table and say "I'm Ruby Vee."

Oh, please please please you have to do that if you ever see that situation again. And tell us aaaaalllllll about it. I'd actually pay money to see that...

And while I'm not a school nurse, I'm with NSIME- no, no, and hell no. I say some things on here that I don't want my coworkers reading. My username is unique to this site- I don't use it anywhere else. Privacy (well, as much privacy as can be had on the internet) is something very good to have.

No. Too many of my good coworkers have retired (those lucky crusty old bats). I'm not a fan of most of our newbies so.. No I don't talk about much, other than work related things with them.

I never told any co-workers and don't plan to! I don't Fb friend or accept any either as I've heard horror stories.

Ha, ha, ha! No, I'd get fired. Have you seen the stuff I post?

LOL. It might be worth it... Let me send an email to my boss... **wink**

No good will ever come from doing that, so no, no one knows I even read the site.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.


I could get fired for the things I've written here!

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

I had a capstone student a couple years ago who figured out my username- and I lied and told her she was wrong.

I had a capstone student a couple years ago who figured out my username- and I lied and told her she was wrong.

Well. Now I know. Now... I know.

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