Do you disclose AN to coworkers

Specialties School


Do any of you SN folks let your coworkers know that you are on AllNurses ?

If so, do you disclose your username ?

Are you comfortable with this ?

Just curious. I do not want anyone I work with to know or identify me on here.

Thanks !

One teacher knows I come on here when the clinic is empty but has no idea my user name. I've told him some of the funny stories from here, no names of users, just the crazy things we see kids for during our day.

It's a personal decision if you feel comfortable do it. To me I feel it's a good place to learn and believe in mentorship. Being a mentor doesn't end in a year or 2 it lasts through your career. Give the kids all the help they need so that they can pass it on

Specializes in Pediatrics/Developmental Pediatrics/Research/psych.
OH, and my Mom? She stalks us. She knows ALL of you.

She gets annoyed at Davey Do. A lot.

She saw OldDude's butt.

She's a retired ED and SN.

And she wears pink on Wednesdays. Because she's fetch like that.


When are we going to meet this elusive Mom?

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

I used to give out Allnurses pens to co-workers and ancillary staff, but never told them who I was on here. My user name isn't easily guessed so I didn't really worry about it.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
She gets annoyed at Davey Do. A lot.

Oh no!


When are we going to meet this elusive Mom?

She's computer illiterate. It's all she can do to follow the Rockstar thread, I had to write it down for her.

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.
I used to give out Allnurses pens to co-workers and ancillary staff, but never told them who I was on here. My user name isn't easily guessed so I didn't really worry about it.

Because you say you're from The Great Northwest, however I suspect you are actually living under the Witness Protection Program in Spain.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
I used to give out Allnurses pens to co-workers and ancillary staff, but never told them who I was on here. My user name isn't easily guessed so I didn't really worry about it.

Because you say you're from The Great Northwest, however I suspect you are actually living under the Witness Protection Program in Spain.

Well, you know she's pretty popular, No Stars. She probably needs privacy from all of her adoring fans!

The first rule of allnurses is you don't talk about allnurses.

The second rule of allnurses is you don't talk about allnurses.

The first rule of allnurses is you don't talk about allnurses.

The second rule of allnurses is you don't talk about allnurses.

I'm reading Fight Club right now! :woot:

So sick. So wrong. I love it.

Tyler Durden is my love muffin.

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