You should know better

Nurses General Nursing


Ok, AN, it's guilty pleasure time. What do you do that you know as a nurse you shouldn't? Chain smoke? Binge drink on the weekends? Lecture a patient on a healthy lifestyle then go home and slam down a whole mac-n-cheese pizza? Ride your kick-a** donorcycle to work? Do back flips on your trampoline while juggling swords?

Out with it!

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

I like to do wheelies while riding without a helmet after drinking 12 beers and snorting some cocaine off a hookers back. Its what keeps me alive man

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

Partial confessions; not going to lay ALL my faults and vices out for all to 'tsk' over, even if this is an anonymous site. Got to maintain a small amount of dignity!:laugh:

I gave up full-strength Pepsi two weeks ago because it was causing really wicked heartburn. I started taking Pepcid once a day, then every 12 hrs. Then the heartburn would rear up in-between-doses. Nope, when it comes down to a choice between pain and no pain, I'm going to pick NO PAIN every time. What is discouraging is that since I have completely given up all that sugar, you'd THINK I would at least drop ONE tiny little pound of body weight, but NOooooo!

I seldom exercise, or if I do, I don't keep it up longer than 3 days to a week, and then I'm right back where I started. Once I joined the YWCA (expensive!) and went to swimming exercise class with a bunch of elderly ladies. I liked it ok, but when it was time to renew, I had no re$ource$.

Never trained my current dogs to walk on a harness/leash; they are small, old, and stubborn now. Kind of like me. I USED to walk my previous dog ALL THE TIME! Now I don't even walk myself!

I have a hard time taking care of myself. Not an excuse, but when you have it ingrained in your head since infancy that you are 'too much trouble', difficult to care for, etc., it is hard message to over-ride even when you know what it's about and where it comes from. Intellectual understanding isn't really enough to impel or compel me to do the things I know I 'should' or even the things I WANT TO do. And I have a sharp resentment for 'behavioral therapy' as a way to deal with all this.

Pssshhhtttt! I could write the book, as I KNOW what I need to do. I just don't do it.

I don't get anywhere near the recommended amount of sleep. Unsurprisingly I also drink a ridiculous amount of caffeine.

I avoid PAP smears or any GYN exam like they are the plague.

haven't been in 5 years - don't need bc anymore so I just don't go. Turned 40 in there too and haven't had a baseline mammogram yet either...

oh and I'm a fairly noncompliant (diet anyway) diabetic. I do take my metformin daily

Specializes in Geriatrics, Home Health.
I like to do wheelies while riding without a helmet after drinking 12 beers and snorting some cocaine off a hookers back. Its what keeps me alive man

I thought Hunter S. Thompson was dead.

Not enough time or space, but I'll hit the highlights.






I avoid PCPs, psychs, GYNs, dentists, etc. It's too hard to find one that doesn't suck at their job.

Self diagnose and self medicate, unless I'm pretty sure I'll die without ABX. Although, the last time, the provider tried to kill me with ABX, so now I'll tell my husband to call an ambulance when I go unresponsive, LOL.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
Nothing I like better than a nice cold glass of wine...except another cold glass of wine!

Fixed that for you! Why restrict a good thing to only one variety? I love vin santo (Italian; I've never had Greek), chardonnay, moscoto, chocolate, well, you get the idea.

Specializes in Emergency.
I thought Hunter S. Thompson was dead.

Not dead, just went home....

"Fear & loathing in las vegas" - my college blueprint.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

I need to see a dentist-but I'm terrified of dentists...I have a cavity that needs filling; I'm overdue on my physical and my GYN appointment-I do like my GYN though!

I have a sweet tooth, and I eat cookies and milk as my bedtime snack almost every night to help me go to sleep.

Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

Most of the minutes in my day, are spent doing things that are unhealthy.

I drive fast. Really fast when in our car designed to go really fast and i can find a porsche driver to antagonize into a game of "go fast". And i ski really fast as well.

Dude, it's summer.

I'm just jealous. I tried to ski and fell down a mountain once.

Fixed that for you! Why restrict a good thing to only one variety? I love vin santo (Italian; I've never had Greek), chardonnay, moscoto, chocolate, well, you get the idea.

I'm a wino. I'm drinking a Washington state red blend right now, but I prefer Montepulciano D'Abruzzo or Barolo. Love Italian wines.

Whites, I've been diving deep into Sauv Blanc after coming off a very prolonged Pinot Grigio kick.

Very, very dry crisp whites, or reds with body=me. I tend to drink white in the summer and red in the winter, but had Italian tonight, so red.

No sweet stuff.

Oh, and I'm a full bottle girl. If I start it, I'll finish it.

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