What will YOU do with your first "real" paycheck!?

Nursing Students General Students


as inspired by another thread, here's a motivational question! i guess this is more of a question for those of us who haven't had a real career before nursing....

what will you do with your first "real" paycheck?

i'm going straight to the salon. new cut, highlights, facial, mani, pedi...the works!

then, straight to the mall with my plastic because for the first time in my life it won't be just for "emergencies" anymore!

i can't wait!

I AM GOING TO GET A FACELIFT AFTER ALL THIS STUDYING! Hey, I am one of those OLD students (41) so, I am going to go into my new profession lookin good LOL. OK OK back to reality...I'll have to pay some BILLS and get my daughter what ever she wants THEN I am getting my face and my butt lifted with an employee discount! LOL


Definately pay off some stuff

Specializes in PACU.

Copy it, Frame it, and then some serious shopping!!!!!!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Found this oldy but goody way down in the deep thread dungeon... SO, now it's time to compare the ideas with the reality. What DID you do with your first check?

Specializes in CCU, MICU, Tele, L&D.

Buy nicotine patches to stop smoking!!!! All the stress of school is over, boy that will be a great day.

Buy food for the house that is NOT microwavable.

Buy scrubs... all colors of the rainbow, NO WHITE ones. (buy fire wood to burn the white scrubs- although all the bleach used on them may cause a fire hazard)


Specializes in Home Health Care.
:idea: A down payment on a new car & pay back any tuition money that I borrowed.
Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.

I am going to start giving my 10% to the church & pay all my bills at the same time! I am so sick of seeing which one can wait a few more days! Next I will start working on that credit card.......then I am going to save some $$$ & have a little work done :rotfl: May 2006 can't wait.

Hmm... let's see. First, I want to use my sign on bonus as a down payment for a truck for my hubby. I have been a SAHM and/or a college student all 7 years we have been married, so something for him will be wonderful. Then I am going to go shopping and buy my boys just about whatever they want. Then I am taking my entire family, hubby's side too out to dinner to celebrate!! Maybe with paycheck 2 we will start on a vacation fund. Oh, to be able to dream about this and say it (type it) outloud is so nice :) .


Pay off bills. Sadly. Pay off more bills with paychecks after that....BUT once I get into the clear...hello! New car......:)

I'd also like a full day spa treatment and I will sock away enough to take my kids on a REAL VACATION.

Specializes in Neuro, Critical Care.

im going to cash it and bring it home so that i can roll in it for awhile...lol :chuckle ......seriously though, ive been sooo broke for sooo long i dont even remember what its like to have money:) after im done rolling, im going to buy a car (so i dont have to share one with my fiencee...ug), pay off bills, move to a better apartment, get my hair, nails, pedicure...buy a ton of new clothes, buy a gym membership, buy my mom something nice since ive been mooching for sooo long now and buy my puppy one of those GIANT doggie bones, it will be bigger than him and he will prob die of excitement:):)

]Make my 2nd payment on my new Eddie Bauer Expedition. My hubby covered my 1st one. The rest of the money will go toward credit card bills!! :p

As it gets closer, I'm beginning to think i'll just have to keep staring at it to believe it is real! :chuckle

11 more months! woohoooo!!!!

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