What will YOU do with your first "real" paycheck!?

Nursing Students General Students


as inspired by another thread, here's a motivational question! i guess this is more of a question for those of us who haven't had a real career before nursing....

what will you do with your first "real" paycheck?

i'm going straight to the salon. new cut, highlights, facial, mani, pedi...the works!

then, straight to the mall with my plastic because for the first time in my life it won't be just for "emergencies" anymore!

i can't wait!

hhhmmm that is a hard question, there are so many things! first i would have to hit the salon for sure, take the other half out for a good dinner and start saving to move south. we live in the midwest and we are really really tired of having only two months of nice weather. i want a house with a pool:rolleyes: AND it is nice to hear that i am not the only one that owes tons in student loans...:uhoh3:

PennyLane-i am glad i am not the only one with credit card debt. i thought i had it under control until i needed books, uniforms and everything else that goes along with school BUT i know it will pay off. :)

It's going straight towards my credit card debt. I know, I live on the wild side...But I want to get my debt under control before I sell this house and buy my next one.

What a lovely thought! A new home! (I may go for the movable kind, like a huge camper type home. RV?) I want to do travel nursing eventually!

I have never made more than $8/hour before in my life... the thought is just too overwhelming!

I will first check the name and make sure it is really mine!

Then I will start at it for awhile...

I have never had a "real" paycheck before so I have no idea what I am going to do!

Hmm, I'll probably stare at if for a while and realize how much I've accomplished. (Boy, do I have a long way to go, shew!) Then I may do some shopping for my boys and a little for my husband and me as well. If thre aren't any bills to pay, that is. :rotfl:

I would put some in a savings/retirement account

Put some aside in a holiday fund to take my daughter to disneyworld in florida

Go out with hubby

Buy daughter something nice

and buy parents something nice as a thank you for all the help they will give me when studying

second cheque would be for home improvements probably

Love Catherine xxx

Start my emergency fund! (Baby step 1 - thanks Dave!) :chuckle

i will put it toward my bills and to reach my 2nd goal in life "to be debt free by the time i am 38 house and all":p

pay my parents bribe money to let me live in their house for another 2 years.
This just cracked me up. :chuckle

First paycheck as a RN...I have the bmw I want - specs, color, and all - chosen and saved at bmwusa.com. I can't wait to hit the *purchase* button after graduation!

After that, money will be spent on "Conceiving for Dummies" books and equipment, a crib, stroller...the complete baby package. It will finally be the time for my husband and me to have our first child. :p


This is a great thread. It's nice to see what everyone is looking forward to!

I will first check the name and make sure it is really mine!

Then I will start at it for awhile...

I have never had a "real" paycheck before so I have no idea what I am going to do!

with my kind of luck...my name will be spelled wrong! lol


Start my emergency fund! (Baby step 1 - thanks Dave!) :chuckle

AMEN!!!! I am doing well with Dave's plan - the debt snowball works!

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