What to do about DNP and flu shot?

Nurses General Nursing

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I am finishing my MSN soon, and had thought that I would get my DNP. However, I am second guessing this after a big ordeal from my school about me not taking a flu shot. My hospital does not require it if I wear a mask. I hate to put the time and money into getting a DNP, and at some point be required to take a flu shot to work in nursing. I WILL NOT. I will change careers. I’m not looking for pro flu shot comments here. However, I am looking for advice and useful information on what you think the future holds in this matter. I also have an MBA, and can just as easily go into a DBA program.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Why sign up for a career where you will be serving people that require medical attention - with some even being immunocompromised - and not be willing to receive a flu shot (to the extent that you are considering a different career). I am really hoping you switch careers, or at least be in an area of nursing where you are not providing direct patient care, and/or don't have a lot of interactions with people.

Specializes in Urgent Care, Oncology.
Specializes in ICU + Infection Prevention.

Maybe OP has a documented health condition? No... then it would have been "can't" instead of "WILL NOT."

Maybe OP wants to start a thread on the miasma theory of disease? Or the 4 humors? You don't deserve to have DNP after your name, or even RN, if you are an antivaxxer. EBP.

Depending on where you live, you may find an organization will not force you to get the flu shot, so long as you give a "valid" reason (i.e. religious reason); HOWEVER, you will probably be required to wear a mask for your entire shift.

With my former employer, employees who refused to get the flu shot had to wear a mask or were terminated.


Are we being punked?

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If so...

Each time I get a shot, I will think "Kobe." Each time I give a shot, I will think "Kobe." And, if the patient is cool with it, I will say "Kobe" -

I hope that saying "Kobe" when giving a shot becomes a nursing trend. That would be awesome.

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.
22 minutes ago, DTWriter said:

Depending on where you live, you may find an organization will not force you to get the flu shot, so long as you give a "valid" reason (i.e. religious reason); HOWEVER, you will probably be required to wear a mask for your entire shift.

With my former employer, employees who refused to get the flu shot had to wear a mask or were terminated.


Are we being punked?

Will our comments appear on Jimmy Kimmel or Jimmy Fallon?

Unfortunately, I've met more than one BSN, MSN and DNP who were adamantly antivaxx. Including one professor in my MSN program who, thankfully, had nothing whatsoever to do with nursing/medical part of it and was more concentrated on APA style than anything else.

The ignorance of all those people was almost painful to feel in thin air

Specializes in Medsurg.
On 1/29/2020 at 8:57 PM, LibraSunCNM said:

Then change careers. You will never get around flu shot requirements working in health care. How that has not become apparent to you until now is a bit baffling to me, actually.


I think the reason you are refusing vaccination is important. If it’s not for religious or medical reasons then I agree- pick another career. There is really no getting around it if you’re a provider except for the above mentioned reasons.

There are plenty people who do not get a flu shot in health care. For whatever reason. Wear a mask if they require you to do so. Not a big deal.

20 minutes ago, Petra100 said:

There are plenty people who do not get a flu shot in health care. For whatever reason. Wear a mask if they require you to do so. Not a big deal.

Not all facilities have that option, especially for providers.

Specializes in RNC-NIC, BSN, COC.

I have so many questions...what exactly is your objection to the flu shot? Have you only worked at this institution?

Unfortunately, most hospital/healthcare organizations are requiring their employees to get flu shots so unless you plan to use your MSN or DNP At your current place of employment you may find yourself knee deep in researching wether a potential job is going to require you to get one. Furthermore, are you planning on using the MBA or DBA in a healthcare setting just not in a clinical area? My hospital requires all of its employees to get a flu shot even those doing office jobs that have absolutely nothing to do with patient care. For example, the accountants, billing, coders etc. all get a flu shot.

Specializes in Pediatrics/Ambulatory Care.

In my humble opinion finding another career may be the best option. Most places are doing away with the exemption and mask options and willing to terminate for noncompliance. Do what's on your heart. Not believing in the flu shot does not make you a poor nurse and not every nurse who believes is a great nurse!

Specializes in ER, Psych, Chemical Dependency.

It's not a belief issue, it's solid science. If I had the possibility of passing along an illness that might kill one of my patients, or be the basis of spreading the disease among a large group of people, some of whom are very young, very old, chronically ill or just immune deficient, the harm I could cause just far outpaces "my beliefs". This is not about you.

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