What to do about DNP and flu shot?

Nurses General Nursing

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I am finishing my MSN soon, and had thought that I would get my DNP. However, I am second guessing this after a big ordeal from my school about me not taking a flu shot. My hospital does not require it if I wear a mask. I hate to put the time and money into getting a DNP, and at some point be required to take a flu shot to work in nursing. I WILL NOT. I will change careers. I’m not looking for pro flu shot comments here. However, I am looking for advice and useful information on what you think the future holds in this matter. I also have an MBA, and can just as easily go into a DBA program.

That's tough in medical field. Perhaps, you find a place where flu is not a requirement or mandatory. If it's not possible, an MBA is one of the best careers, too, as long as, you stay out of the healthcare industry where flu shot is a must.

Specializes in Neurology/Oncology.

I imagine you will need to continue to find facilities to work in that allow for wearing masks, as ours does. I agree that everyone should be allowed to choose whether or not to accept the flu vaccine as there are risks and wearing a mask is an acceptable alternative. I work in neuro/oncology and we have had people admitted with reactions from the vaccine. Guillain Barre being one and CIDP another and both can leave one afflicted for life (there are others). Only you know how much pressure you can take from your school and how much effort you are willing in order to find that place to work. I admire you for standing your ground. Perhaps making a presentation on the reactions that can happen will make an impression? IDK.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I don’t think I’d waste my time on a doctorate then. You can totally use your master’s in a hands off role and still be in nursing though. No one should be ‘forced’ to put anything in their body they are not comfortable with.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
4 hours ago, balletomane said:

I work in neuro/oncology and we have had people admitted with reactions from the vaccine. Guillain Barre being one and CIDP another and both can leave one afflicted for life (there are others)

GBS and the link to flu vaccine

In 1976, there was a small increased risk of GBS after swine flu vaccination, which was a special flu vaccine for a potential pandemic strain of flu virus. The National Academy of Medicine, formerly known as Institute of Medicine, conducted a scientific review of this issue in 2003 and found that people who received the 1976 swine flu vaccine had an increased risk for developing GBS. The increased risk was approximately one additional case of GBS for every 100,000 people who got the swine flu vaccine. Scientists have several theories about the cause, but the exact reason for this link remains unknown.

There have been several studies of the risk of GBS after flu vaccine and CDC monitors for GBS during each flu season. The data on an association between seasonal influenza vaccine and GBS have been variable from season-to-season. When there has been an increased risk, it has consistently been in the range of 1-2 additional GBS cases per million flu vaccine doses administered.

Studies suggest that it is more likely that a person will get GBS after getting the flu than after vaccination. It is important to keep in mind that severe illness and death are associated with flu, and getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent flu infection and its complications.


Specializes in ER, ICU.

Find a different career. Patients are entitled to practitioners who are scientifically literate and you are obviously not. What other kind of pseudoscience would you promote?

Specializes in ER, ICU.
On 1/30/2020 at 5:20 AM, FolksBtrippin said:

I think respect for research is necessary for a DNP program. It's all about research.

If you respect research and evidence then go ahead.

How could one possibly respect research and evidence especially in healthcare if you don’t believe in vaccinations

4 hours ago, Rose_Queen said:

GBS and the link to flu vaccine

In 1976, there was a small increased risk of GBS after swine flu vaccination, which was a special flu vaccine for a potential pandemic strain of flu virus. The National Academy of Medicine, formerly known as Institute of Medicine, conducted a scientific review of this issue in 2003 and found that people who received the 1976 swine flu vaccine had an increased risk for developing GBS. The increased risk was approximately one additional case of GBS for every 100,000 people who got the swine flu vaccine. Scientists have several theories about the cause, but the exact reason for this link remains unknown.

There have been several studies of the risk of GBS after flu vaccine and CDC monitors for GBS during each flu season. The data on an association between seasonal influenza vaccine and GBS have been variable from season-to-season. When there has been an increased risk, it has consistently been in the range of 1-2 additional GBS cases per million flu vaccine doses administered.

Studies suggest that it is more likely that a person will get GBS after getting the flu than after vaccination. It is important to keep in mind that severe illness and death are associated with flu, and getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent flu infection and its complications.


Please stop using scientific evidenced based research to back up your claims? or I will have to report you to the administrators of Allnurses!

5 hours ago, Rose_Queen said:

Studies suggest that it is more likely that a person will get GBS after getting the flu than after vaccination.

Worth repeating.

10 hours ago, GilligansPlace said:

I don’t think I’d waste my time on a doctorate then. You can totally use your master’s in a hands off role and still be in nursing though. No one should be ‘forced’ to put anything in their body they are not comfortable with.

Who is being forced to put something in their body?

8 hours ago, MarieBF said:

Find a different career. Patients are entitled to practitioners who are scientifically literate and you are obviously not. What other kind of pseudoscience would you promote?

This. Good luck in a different career.

If, or when, a really nasty, deadly, virus becomes a pandemic will all the anti vaxxers refuse to be vaccinated.

Of course ONLY 80,000 died from influenza in the USA last year so what number would be the tipping point?

56 minutes ago, brownbook said:

If, or when, a really nasty, deadly, virus becomes a pandemic will all the anti vaxxers refuse to be vaccinated.

Of course ONLY 80,000 died from influenza in the USA last year so what number would be the tipping point?

I would check the mortality without a flu shot first then compare it to having some.?

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