Topics About 'Flu'.

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Found 15 results

  1. Hi, I'm awaiting possible acceptance to the WGU pre-license BSN program. I'm concerned about clinical placement since I decline the flu shot yearly. Before anti anti-vacxxers attack me, I have all other vacs required for the program! I do not wa...
  2. NurseHeatherBSNRN

    Flu is CRAZY

    This flu season has been insane already. Fingers and toes crossed for an early peak! I have been monitoring flu cases for 4 weeks and have been steadily seeing 10-15 cases a week until now. This week has been CRAZY! Out of 970 kids, we have 98 confir...
  3. Chief Complaint "My son died a month ago. He was stationed in Afghanistan. I think I'm still in shock. For the last few weeks I haven't slept well. I keep waking up in the middle of the night, my heart pounding, out of breath, and now on top of t...
  4. Kooky Korky

    Flu Shots

    Still sort of anti-vaxxer here, but perhaps there is hope for all of us, what? Guess who's going to give flu shots this year at my hospital. Aw, go on. Guess. Anyway, any advice from experienced givers of these shots? I still wonder how they know s...
  5. Flu - Missing Class

    I am currently in nursing school and have never had the flu or flu vaccine. My school only allows students to miss 1 clinical day. If you get sick and miss 2 or more days you are removed from the program and must reapply as a new student in one year....
  6. KeeperOfTheIceRN

    First case of flu

    What is your policy on return to school after flu? We've got our first case for this year and MD is anticipating return by possibly Friday. Teacher is worried that is too soon. I usually just play it by ear and follow up with parents when kiddos retu...
  7. Influenza

    Just curious how many are seeing Flu A or B? Seems we are getting hit with a lot of Flu A, especially in K.
  8. The FDA has authorized a COVID-19 + Flu combination PCR test developed by Quest Diagnostics for at-home collection of respiratory samples. This will only be available by prescription for patients with respiratory viral infection symptoms. ht...
  9. Joe V

    It Could Be Monday!

    How many times have you started your Friday and said, "I can do it, I can do it. I've made it to the weekend!" Nurses are tough. We bounce back with vim and vigor and can tackle ANYTHING we face with courage and ... and ... Oh, heck, what am I say...
  10. Massachusetts Nurses- Flu Mandate

    How is your compliance for the flu vaccine? Our numbers are pretty abysmal. We have a significant number of in person students and more coming back in January. Many parents are claiming religious exemptions, but have yet to return the required pap...
  11. What fears and/or objections have you, personally, or as Nurses caring for your patients, encountered when it comes to vaccinations?
  12. Want the flu? Come to the ER.

    We know the flu thing is likely to get worse, which means a lot more ER visits. As I have seen so far, we are more a part of the problem than the solution. Even when people call to ask if they should come in, we can't give them consistent accurate ad...
  13. Hospitals that I’ve traveled to over the last few years started mandating the flu shot instead of allowing the nurse to opt-out and wear a mask. I’m OK with it, even though its taking away my rights. But now it seems to be trendy to tell the nurse w...
  14. What to do about DNP and flu shot?

    I am finishing my MSN soon, and had thought that I would get my DNP. However, I am second guessing this after a big ordeal from my school about me not taking a flu shot. My hospital does not require it if I wear a mask. I hate to put the time and mon...
  15. This is just like flu

    This is a seasonal respiratory disease. In all likelihood, it will kill 60,000 people. We deal with this sort of thing annually with influenza, it kills around 60,000 people a year. While that is a lot of people, we don't do anything draconian. Th...