What Did You Get For Nurses Week?

Nurses General Nursing


I have been MIA from allnurses for a long time so I decided to start a topic...I just received my "nurses week" gift from my management team at the hospital were I work. Last year we got a pen and this year we got one of those tall aluminum bottles that keeps your drinks cold/hot, with the hospital logo on it!! Yay! *sacrasm over* At least we got a useable gift.

Curious on what other facilities have done or currently doing for their staff for nurses week. Please share.

Specializes in Critical Care.

Once again a small serving of ice cream is our gift! In years past they have published our names in the newspaper, which upset a coworker who didn't want her stalker ex to know where she worked, another time did an angel campaign asking patients to nominate their nurse "angel". Once even said they had donated to a charity in our names, rather than give us an actual gift! Apparently they thought we make too much money to actually want a cash gift. Bet they got a tax deduction for it though! Oh and they reminded us we are free to purchase some uniform accessories with their logo! LOL

For what it's worth they used to offer a meal if you work Thanksgiving or Christmas now it's only a coupon for a dessert. Times are tough can't afford a whole meal I guess!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

A lot of food and ice cream sundaes, compression socks and flash drive, hospital logo intact. I was pleased this year by the functional and thoughtful goodies. That said, my standards are admittedly low í ½í¸‚

An email 🙄

My last job gave us a beach towel, water bottle and a hug...but that Job also gave me a way higher stress level and a ton less money...so I can live without the swag these last few years.

Specializes in NICU.

2 pack of water bottles and a large grocery bag tote (with hospital logo, of course) similar to this: Large Utility Tote Bag 23" Deluxe Basket Bin

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
We got a hand-held battery-operated fan. The fan blades have an LED panel that lights up with the company motto, but the motto is too long, so the fan dies before you can see the whole thing. My co-worker and I also got to chase the ice cream cart down the hall, then go back to our office to get our badges to prove that are, in fact, RNs, even though all RNs wear the same color at my hospital. After that, the cart pushers had a debate in front of us as to whether or not we "qualified" for the ice cream since we are case management RNs, not bedside RNs. So, all in all, a typical Nurses' Week.[/quote']


It was nurse's week?? Who knew....


This year getting exposed to teacher's week. Not a word about a nurse. Must be "the babysitter" mentality prevailing. Could not care less, other than noticing in passing.

We got a full moon just like everyone else that week...plus all the crazy, let's-pee-on-the-floor-and-play-whack-a-mole-with-the-staff patients that go along with it :)

Specializes in public health, women's health, reproductive health.

I got a visa gift card from one of my employers (thank you!) and a big fat nothing from the other. Some of the administrators were "offended" when they heard people were making jokes about getting nothing for Nurse's Week. They thought our jokes were "contributing to declining morale". The hypocrisy and joke of their own words seemed lost on them. But by the way, I actually like my job, so there's that.

Specializes in Med Surg.

I got to listen to a bunch of whining ingrates complain about nursing week.

Some very nice EMS size bandage scissors and a new pen

One year a company I worked for sent out letters in the mail informing us that they were cutting our pay-lowest wage I ever saw-and we could take it or stop working for them. Happy Nurse's Week! They didn't give us a 'gift' per say...actually, now that I think about it, the only places that I've ever received anything for nurse's week were the hospitals I've worked for. Hey, I'm thankful for anything that shows appreciation...not the paycut letter.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.
We got a full moon just like everyone else that week...plus all the crazy, let's-pee-on-the-floor-and-play-whack-a-mole-with-the-staff patients that go along with it :)

We must work at the same hospital and/or specialty because that pretty much described my week too. :laugh:

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