What Did You Get For Nurses Week?

Nurses General Nursing


I have been MIA from allnurses for a long time so I decided to start a topic...I just received my "nurses week" gift from my management team at the hospital were I work. Last year we got a pen and this year we got one of those tall aluminum bottles that keeps your drinks cold/hot, with the hospital logo on it!! Yay! *sacrasm over* At least we got a useable gift.

Curious on what other facilities have done or currently doing for their staff for nurses week. Please share.

Specializes in Peds, School Nurse, clinical instructor.

I got a gift card and cake :)

Specializes in NICU.

I was off last week, but I just checked my emails and didn't get any acknowledgement from our manager or the hospital CEO or anyone. The CNO/admins don't suprise me but our manager is quite lovely...I would have thought she would have sent something.

From what I heard, we didn't get anything from the corporation. However one of our ex-NICU families apparently catered food for all the staff. Isn't that funny? An ex-patients family was the only one who acknowledged us....the babies make it worth it!

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

Now that Nurses week is well over I can quit holding my breath waiting for some sort of acknowledgement from the company. Nothing from them at all, not even a mass email sent out to all nurses. Our management team got together early in the week and made a nice pot luck. There was more than enough food for all staff so it ended up not really being just for nurses. Plus as nice as the idea was it was in the middle of th day shift and not a single one of the management team that went out of their way to make something thought to put a little away for afternoon and night shifts so they truly got nothing.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

We got a hand-held, battery-operated fan. The fan blades have an LED panel that lights up with the company motto, but the motto is too long, so the fan dies before you can see the whole thing. My co-worker and I also got to chase the ice cream cart down the hall, then go back to our office to get our badges to prove that are, in fact, RNs, even though all RNs wear the same color at my hospital. After that, the cart pushers had a debate in front of us as to whether or not we "qualified" for the ice cream since we are case management RNs, not bedside RNs. So, all in all, a typical Nurses' Week.

Specializes in PCCN.

Fat. I got fat.


Actually , was already fat, but I have never seen such a display of unhealthy food as I have seen this week- Even I didnt want to eat it !!!

donuts, pizza, more pizza, breakfast pizza,some one got greek salads, that was good. sandwiches( we have Panera near us) A free lunch ticket.Some gummy worms, Ice cream bars, cakes, those face decorated cookies.

Ugh its making me nauseous just writing all this down.

Ironically, its a cardiac floor- I thing they just want repeat customers :roflmao:

Weirdest thing I ever got-

A "ViewFinder" toy that included a round disk of slides depicting PR views of how wonderful our hospital was!

That is probably the most ridiculous one I've read.

I love how the "gifts" always come down to hospital advertisement.

Heck, yeah, I'll harness my inner child and play with a ViewFinder... but why would they even think I want to see more of my hospital than I already do?

That's almost like the time we could "win" a breakfast with the big honchos... uh... no... I typically attempt to avoid you guys at all costs.

Specializes in kids.
Got my retirement orders. Got a new job already and a new house. Ready to go back to being a private citizen. Wearing the uniform has been a great run but it is time to tripple dip :)

Congrats and thankyou for your service!

Specializes in kids.

The PTA did ice cream for Teacher Appreciation week, thank you, yes I was included in that and did get the bagels that admin gave out, for Teacher Appreciation....I even mentioned School Nurse day and my principal seemed to not get it...I would be happy with an email...but whatever...

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.
The PTA did ice cream for Teacher Appreciation week, thank you, yes I was included in that and did get the bagels that admin gave out, for Teacher Appreciation....I even mentioned School Nurse day and my principal seemed to not get it...I would be happy with an email...but whatever...

Our PTF did Teacher Appreciation in which I was "included." A luncheon was served where we were to drop in during a 2 hour period while parents volunteered in our spots. At the last minute a teacher "borrowed" my sub and proceeded to sit at the luncheon for an hour and 45 minutes. I was able to squeeze into the last 5 minutes of the luncheon and eat alone while the clean-up crew did their thing. It was great.

No one at my school knows that Nurse Appreciation exists or, for that matter, I exist...until someone is puking, that is. Or maybe if I go 3 cents over my alloted budget.


way to feel appreciated

Specializes in Neuro.

An email from the CEO saying "happy national hospital week" with zero mention of Nurses week... 😂

Specializes in ED, Pedi Vasc access, Paramedic serving 6 towns.

It was nurse's week?? Who knew....


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