Texas governor to residents: "The safest place for you is at your home" due Covid-19 spike

Nurses COVID

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Heard on broadcast news + CNN:

6/23/20 -Texas Reports All-Time Daily High: 5,489 New COVID-19 Cases. Houston hospital ICU's full.. Texas Chrildrens hospital will now admit adults. Change in tone from Governor Abbott --who's high risk for catching virus himself

Texas governor to residents: "The safest place for you is at your home"


As Texas sees its highest numbers of positive tests and hospitalizations, Gov. Greg Abbott advised residents of the state to stay at home.



"The hospitalization rate is at an all-time high," he said. "The coronavirus is serious. It's spreading in Brazos County, across the entire state of Texas."


Hope my Texas colleagues have enough PPE!

1 hour ago, NormaSaline said:

Yes, Mr Trump, that's what you said at murder show #1 in Tulsa. We heard you then, and still we know it's faulty reasoning and wrong, and you don't know what you're talking about in general.

While I agree that having the rally was highly ill-advised, I think that calling it a ”murder show” is quite hyperbolic. In my opinion it just makes the debate we’re having here even more adversarial. If you want to liken it to a crime, I guess reckless endangerment is more fitting.

Why do I think that? I think a political rally in the midst of a pandemic is unnecessary. I’m guessing most attendees didn’t go there because they needed to find out more about various policy stances, so that they can make an informed decision come November. It seems to me that the majority are already hardcore fans and the only purpose it served, was for the President to get the adoration I believe his psyche craves. So while it was in all likelihood essential for him, from a public health standpoint, it was completely unessential. Hardly worth risking peoples’ health and lives for in my opinion.

@A Hit With The Ladies, is there a point where individualism risks turning into egotism and a rather sociopathic disregard for the well-being of others? I’m all for individualism, I’ve had a strong streak of it myself since a very young age. But it is possible to value individuality and still incorporate the welfare of others in your worldview. I’m not really seeing it in your posts?

2 hours ago, macawake said:

While I agree that having the rally was highly ill-advised, I think that calling it a ”murder show” is quite hyperbolic. 

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"

"I don't kid"

I don't know if it's narcissism, sociopathy, a faux nurse, ignorance, or what, but it's clear a certain person is dangerous and has zero clue of what's going on in medicine, especially since their only "proof" to support their statements are talking points from Fox News, regurgitation of Trump's inaccurate comments, or news articles they failed to understand. Either way, y'all should stop playing the game and going down the rabbit hole of ignorance.

Specializes in Psych.

More than enough has already been done in the name of "sacrifice" already. Remember they swore to us, "all you have to do is stay home for 15 days and we will get through this"?

15 days have turned into 3+ months. Enough is enough. No more BS "advice" or "recommendations". You're on your own for this Corona thing. Herd immunity is now the way to go.

Specializes in ED, Tele, MedSurg, ADN, Outpatient, LTC, Peds.

NurseBlaq! On point!

Lets focus on saving lives and helping others! Learn from other states! Texas brace yourself. You will live through this and help countless people. Please insist on PPES and take precautions yourself. At one point some of us in NY stayed in hotels to protect the home front.

Working with Corona pts, some helpful hints.

Put them on oxygen at all times. Hi flow works better.

Be persistent and get them out of bed and sitting. If they insist on sleeping, prone them and use pillows.

During the IDT(interdisciplinary team rounds), advocate for a liquid diet with lots of hot fluids-tea with lemon and honey/sugar perks them right up.

Get extra chargers-most phones die. Get their family's numbers early and call them on the pt's or your phone/facetime. Seeing family improves their morale.

Get PRN orders for tylenol for all pts unless contraindicated.

Not every drug works for everyone. Steroids for some, Remdesvir for others, Hydroxychloroquine for some(get baseline EKG and watch the QT interval), Zithromax for some others and most people were put on heparin subcu (lovenox) or coumadin.

Pray for and with your pts. If pts talk about death, listen. Don't brush them off.

Think differently about codes. Wear your PPES before entering to help. I saw very few getting coded due to the futility.

Vent pts are labile and you have to watch them like a hawk. They need to be vented early.

Attitude is everything. Be kind and patient with your patients. Everything takes effort and makes them extremely short of breath. I would be the cheery sunshine nurse even if I was anxious or weeping inside!

Take time for yourself. Talk to others as you end up with PTSD.

Be there for the conspiracy theorists, the don't trample on my rights group, the no mask group when it hits them or their loved ones.

Don't be "firm" and tell them to go home and quarantine themselves!

Be the nurse that the public trusts!

God be with you all ! In God, we trust!

Specializes in Critical Care.
On 6/25/2020 at 8:57 AM, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Because they said corticosteroids are the 1st class of drugs that have been shown to reduce COVID mortality.

Really, unless you can't breathe and need to be on a vent, or your blood pressure's so low that you need to be on pressors, then you shouldn't be in an ICU. A lot of these hospitalized people ought to be discharged and told to stay at home to recover.

I agree but a lot of the patients in my ICU fit your criteria (vented/pressors/paralyzed and proned) because anyone that can tolerate hi flowers or less is transferred elsewhere.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
4 hours ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

You're on your own for this Corona thing.

The public would be better off on their own then getting dangerous advice from individuals portraying themselves as health care experts.

I believe everyone needs to use common sense and make their own decision. My parents live in Texas, are 90+y/o and have yet to don a mask unless they're at a doctor's appt(mandatory). I dare anyone on this site to call my mother stupid/ignorant/whatever; she's a diploma RN who could, back in the day, work circles around anyone on this site. All of these responses have their own merit; some of us are Democrat, some are Republican.... and you can always find the "right data/statistics" to back up your personal opinion on this matter. We all know that medicine is not an "exact science"; 2+2 does not always = 4. Until this zebra is finally caught and controlled we all must stay the course as best we can. Keep calm and carry on.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
5 minutes ago, chrisjk said:

I dare anyone on this site to call my mother stupid/ignorant/whatever; she's a diploma RN who could, back in the day, work circles around anyone on this site.

Why won’t your mom wear a mask when unable to socialIy distance? Or is it that the only time she is unable to distance is when she’s at her office visits? Why does she wear it at the office visit and not any other time?

TBH, just because mom was a great RN 50 years ago doesn’t really mean anything today

Specializes in Psych.
3 hours ago, BostonFNP said:

TBH, just because mom was a great RN 50 years ago doesn’t really mean anything today

I'm sure that mom sounds like her track record would be better than Fauci's and the other so-called "experts"... we heard enough from them!

Specializes in Pediatrics, Pediatric Float, PICU, NICU.
26 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

I'm sure that mom sounds like her track record would be better than Fauci's and the other so-called "experts"... we heard enough from them!

The only one who keeps bringing up Fauci, is you.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.
39 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

I'm sure that mom sounds like her track record would be better than Fauci's and the other so-called "experts"... we heard enough from them!

Do you also not follow the Infectious Disease experts at your hospital???

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