Topics About 'Covid 19'.

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  1. RN Jobs That Do Not Require Covid Vaccine

    Frontliner, 11 year veteran RN, in the Emergency Department. For the last year and a half, I have been exposed to so much Covid I feel I'm so blessed. I have had it splash in my face, eyes and mouth. I have taken antibody test and just can't seem to ...
  2. NurseWriter_AJP

    Telehealth is Here to Stay

    Telehealth and Nursing Care Before the COVID-19 pandemic, discussions about telehealth, the use and management of health care in whereby individuals manage aspects of their care with remote support from healthcare professionals, were minute. Whil...
  3. Canada's Healthcare System Crumbling It's no surprise that the pandemic caused huge burnout and stress to nurses worldwide. However, nurses were burned out before this. Specifically in Canada, it was estimated in 2018 that by 2030, there would be...
  4. COVID-19 was an unprecedented time in everyone's life. More than three years after the first reported COVID-19 case, the world is still battling the infection. Although we are nowhere near where we were at the start of the pandemic, thanks to th...
  5. Nurses Did Not Sign Up for This

    Nurses did not “sign up for this.” Yet, here we are. And so, the current challenge to tackle is: how does the field of nursing survive a pandemic? And how does healthcare keep its nurses in the careers they dreamed of, long before March 2020 ha...
  6. Brooke Schmidt

    I Did Not Feel Like A Hero

    I remember the early days of the pandemic- signing up for my free crocs and free slippers, showing my badge at the chick-fil-a drive-thru for free lunch. My neighbors rang bells and cheered at night. For a few short minutes, I thought I felt like a h...
  7. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2019) and the World Health Organization (WHO, n.d.) declare the imperative need to vaccinate all people to improve public health. Traditional wisdom taught to healthcare professionals backs up thi...
  8. allnurses

    We Did Not Sign Up For This

    This article was written by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. Due to the topic and emotionally charged nature of the article, the member wanted the topic out in the open so nurses could discuss it. Because she is afraid of retribution if any of...
  9. COVID-19 was an unprecedented time in everyone's life. More than three years after the first reported COVID-19 case, the world is still battling the infection. Although we are nowhere near where we were at the start of the pandemic, thanks to th...
  10. The Northeast and West Coast are wealthy, populous regions of the country. Their hospital systems can afford to pay nurses a lot to travel there to help out. What would states like Oklahoma and Arkansas do if there's a severe nursing shortage there?...
  11. SN-Covid?

    I’m a student nurse in my second year of an associate s degree program and finishing up my first medsurg class. Due to Covid-19 all clinicals are cancelled. What I’m being told is we will be doing “simulated clinical” online and all of our classes ar...
  12. Think this will be the time in history that the value of NURSING CARE in keeping patients alive will be recognized. The need for Hospitalist's and Attending Physicians rather than surgeon specialists will change medical school practices to. Due to...
  13. Great article documenting how Covid-19 spread in my area---- this is what I recall from TV news reports, local Philly papers, Montgomery County Health department briefings. Cardiologist> patients > patients family member > grandparent- empl...
  14. Monoclonal antibodies are manmade versions of the antibodies that our bodies naturally make to fight invaders, such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Heard Dr, David Kessler Biden Admin Chief Science Officer, state tonight that Momoclonnal Antibiodies u...
  15. Emergent

    Take the Shutdown Skeptics Seriously This article from the Atlantic is a rational and common-sense explanation of the dangers of shutting down the economy. Those who are for reopening the economy ...
  16. Sample Contamination

    Does it contaminate a sample vile if you touch the opening with a new/clean glove?
  17. RI Field Hospital

    Hello, I am considering taking an assignment at a field hospital in RI. This would be something completely different than I have ever done. I'm just looking for any input from anyone that has worked at other field hospitals, so I could just ha...
  18. Read in its entirety: 1st-Known U.S. Lung Transplant For COVID-19 Patient Performed In Chicago The picture of one lung removed is amazing. I hope this young lady can recover and live a very long and happy life.
  19. Hiring Freezes?

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering what the hiring situation was at your hospital? I'm a new grad and I was supposed to start my Nurse Resident program next week but just got a call saying I would probably not be able to start until at least mid July ...
  20. NRSKarenRN

    Tracking Covid-19 cases in the US

    Looking for easy to read Covid-19 statistical info? CNN has a US national map based on John Hopkins Univ. data, lower section of website lists state specific numbers: # positive cases+ # + cases per 100K residents; # deaths + # deaths per 100K res...
  21. Angst, and music to sooth!

    Just thought in these contentious, scary times people could post some links or list some of the music they relax to. Better Now (Official Video)" on Youtube Love this piece of music which I heard recently and I find...
  22. Was Covid-19 Here Already?

    Have any of you seen cases of suspected CV-19 before this current outbreak? I personally suspect that it went through my family earlier this year, and whenever I share this with others they too have had or known someone who had a "mysterious viral il...
  23. Now we have to worry about going out in public. This should be all over the national news!
  24. I work in the 3M laboratory and wanted to condense and post some resources for all of you. As someone who is pushing paper safe at home (working to get more PPE out the door among other things), I want to thank you and your families for all that you ...
  25. Psychiatric Inpatient Preparedness

    As an Inpatient Psych RN, I need to hear back from others about what your protocols are currently in terms of COVID-19 and if you have access to PPE at this time, etc... Any information would be helpful. TY!