Topics About 'PPE'.

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Found 10 results

  1. Is Discrimination too strong a word?

    I would love some feedback from fellow nurses. I sometimes take care of covid-19 positive patients on a separate pod set up to maintain safety. I utilize PPE and feel comfortable. I have recently had a negative blood drawn antibody test (but as we kn...
  2. Code blue and PPE

    Obligatory I’m not a nurse. I work in a larger office building in a doctors office but we do have crash carts “just in case”. Yesterday we had a code blue drill. ( a patient drops to the floor and tells you they don’t have a pulse, you take it from t...
  3. Modern Healthcare June 23, 2020 HCA nurses to strike over staffing cuts and PPE shortagesN
  4. Okay. I admit it. I have been in and out of the ANA during my years of working. I joined when I was a new nurse, failed to renew, renewed when I saw the certification program and got the certification, failed to renew because of the expense of re cer...
  5. Standard Precautions These are the safety measures that should be taken with all patients. Wash Your Hands - Most important step in infection control. It prevents nosocomial infections. DON Gloves - Before coming in contact with any...
  6. Kitiger

    Procedure masks and hot flashes

    I carry my own rain forest with me (hot flashes) and the hot, humid weather doesn't help. My procedure mask gets wet fairly often, especially around my chin. I usually have to change it every 2 or 3 hours. Sometimes more often. I have several, and I ...
  7. Missingyou

    Still a PPE shortage?

    It's hard for me to believe that now, at the end of June, there is STILL a shortage of PPE. I work in a long term care facility where we wear a KN 95 mask ( not fit tested, doesn't fit properly) for 5 12- hour shifts. We go in to care for covid19 pos...
  8. Heard on broadcast news + CNN: 6/23/20 -Texas Reports All-Time Daily High: 5,489 New COVID-19 Cases. Houston hospital ICU's full.. Texas Chrildrens hospital will now admit adults. Change in tone from Governor Abbott --who's high risk for catching v...
  9. J.Adderton

    Are Sanitized N95 Masks Safe for Reuse?

    The unprecedented shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) is an unsafe burden placed on healthcare workers. To protect ourselves against the highly contagious coronavirus, N95 masks are essential in stopping the virus droplets from entering ...
  10. Coworkers won't wear masks

    I work in an infectious disease clinic. I was asked to be the clinic safety administrator as the Covid 19 pandemic developed. I monitored CDC news, our Department of health press reports, taught staff (we have more admin/clerical staff than clinic...