Lots of questions!


Okay, our district nurses are seeking input on the following... we appreciate your responses.

1. What State are you in?

2. Do you have a nursing supervisor, or a non-nursing supervisor?

2a. If you do NOT have a nursing supervisor, where do you go for direction when questions such as legalities etc. arise?

3. Are you on a teachers contract?

4. What kind of eval system is used for your evaluations? (i.e. we use OASYS, which is what the teachers use)

5. Are you required to be certified by your state's department of education?

Thank you so much in advance!

Specializes in School Nurse, past Med Surge.

1. What State are you in?


2. Do you have a nursing supervisor, or a non-nursing supervisor?

Non-Nursing, we all report to our building principal and the assistant superintendant is ultimately our "big boss"

2a. If you do NOT have a nursing supervisor, where do you go for direction when questions such as legalities etc. arise?

We could take it to our assistant superintendant or at the state level there is a liason for school nurses in the department of education that is very approachable if we have problems.

3. Are you on a teachers contract?

Pfft...no. I wish.

4. What kind of eval system is used for your evaluations? (i.e. we use OASYS, which is what the teachers use)

It's just basic a needs improvement/meets expectations/exceeds expectations kind of thing with different work related areas on it

5. Are you required to be certified by your state's department of education?


Specializes in Telemetry, Gastroenterology, School Nrs.

1. What State are you in? Ohio

2. Do you have a nursing supervisor, or a non-nursing supervisor? No supervisor

2a. If you do NOT have a nursing supervisor, where do you go for direction when questions such as legalities etc. arise?

Google :woot:

Only kidding- sort of! I do use it to find legality answers but I also pick the brains of this forum a lot too! I also have a liaison through the Department of Education and Health that I can contact if I need them.

3. Are you on a teachers contract? Yep

4. What kind of eval system is used for your evaluations? (i.e. we use OASYS, which is what the teachers use) Am I evaluated? Seriously. No formal evaluations, ever. I'm pretty sure I'm viewed as the unimportant part of the equation.

5. Are you required to be certified by your state's department of education? Yes



2a-other nurses in the area who I have a professional relationship with and trust their advice/opinions

3-yes (only because I am certified)


5-not required to be a school nurse, but required to take part in IEP medical reviews

Specializes in kids.

1 NH

2 Non-nursing

2a My state association because we have no nurse consultant :no:

3 No but paid comparably, same holidays sick time, most educational bennies, but no retirement $$ from the district (I get the state retirement)

4 Observation and check list (maybe Danileson) not sure of method

5 For the moment, yes

1. What State are you in?


2. Do you have a nursing supervisor, or a non-nursing supervisor?

Nursing supervisor (the last district I was in was non-nursing)

2a. If you do NOT have a nursing supervisor, where do you go for direction when questions such as legalities etc. arise?

When I was in a district without a nursing supervisor, I asked the other school nurses

3. Are you on a teachers contract?

Since becoming certified in school nursing, I am. It's a completely different position in my current district. The building nurses are on teh support staff contract (Which is total BS, but a topic for another day)

4. What kind of eval system is used for your evaluations? (i.e. we use OASYS, which is what the teachers use)


5. Are you required to be certified by your state's department of education?

To do IEPs, yes. To work as a building nurse, no.

1. What State are you in? Illinois

2. Do you have a nursing supervisor, or a non-nursing supervisor? Non-nursing head of department

2a. If you do NOT have a nursing supervisor, where do you go for direction when questions such as legalities etc. arise? I default to Illinois Department of Health/Illinois School Board of Edu policies. I also rely on CDC guidelines on when to exclude students from school.

3. Are you on a teachers contract? NOPE! (Being on one might keep me here longer. A pay scale would be nice)

4. What kind of eval system is used for your evaluations? (i.e. we use OASYS, which is what the teachers use) Terrible system created by our parent company

5. Are you required to be certified by your state's department of education? Nope--just BSN, RN.

Specializes in School Nursing, Ambulatory Care, etc..

1. What State are you in?


2. Do you have a nursing supervisor, or a non-nursing supervisor?


2a. If you do NOT have a nursing supervisor, where do you go for direction when questions such as legalities etc. arise?

3. Are you on a teachers contract?


4. What kind of eval system is used for your evaluations? (i.e. we use OASYS, which is what the teachers use)

We have an internal, school district specific eval for nurses

5. Are you required to be certified by your state's department of education?


1. Texas

2. We have a Nursing Coordinator who is a RN - Nursing Coordinator arranges all of our training, PD days, CPR, legal issues etc etc. Day to day stuff goes directly to our campus principal.

3. Teachers contract for pay scale and required work days.

4. Evaluation System - honestly I have no idea, I think they use the same as the teachers but tweeked alittle - every year it seems like the principal has a hard time with it though. They never know what to put in all the required fields.

5. No certification in our district - just be an RN, no BSN required.

Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..
Okay, our district nurses are seeking input on the following... we appreciate your responses.

1. What State are you in? Missouri

2. Do you have a nursing supervisor, or a non-nursing supervisor? Non-nursing

2a. If you do NOT have a nursing supervisor, where do you go for direction when questions such as legalities etc. arise? Building Principal or Superintendent

3. Are you on a teachers contract? Nope

4. What kind of eval system is used for your evaluations? (i.e. we use OASYS, which is what the teachers use) I am in 3 districts, so this varies.

5. Are you required to be certified by your state's department of education? Nope

I hope everyone is having a great Thursday! :)

Specializes in Occupational Health.

1. Virginia

2. Non-nursing

2a. Other district nurses, District policies/handbook, VA School Health Guidelines online, Dept of Health

3. Yes for contracted days, we have a nurse payscale (actually two because the pay is different for LPN and RN, but not beyond)

4. None

5. No

Specializes in School Nurse.

Okay, our district nurses are seeking input on the following... we appreciate your responses.

1. What State are you in? Texas

2. Do you have a nursing supervisor, or a non-nursing supervisor? Supervisor

2a. If you do NOT have a nursing supervisor, where do you go for direction when questions such as legalities etc. arise?

3. Are you on a teachers contract? Yes

[COLOR=#000000]4. What kind of eval system is used for your evaluations? (i.e. we use OASYS, which is what the teachers use) Not sure, supervisor conducts the nursing part and the principal finishes the administrative part.[/COLOR]

5. Are you required to be certified by your state's department of education? NO

Thank you so much in advance!

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