How old were you when you started nursing school?

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The wonderful thing about nursing is that it is open to everyone of all ages. Please give a cheer to all the people who believe that age is not a factor in learning. And, to all the people who strive for knowledge regardless of age. How old were you when you started nursing school?

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Specializes in Geriatircs/Rural Hospitals.

Finished the CNA program at 19, cma at 20, LVN at 21, Rn ADN at 44, and hopefully my BSN at 46. We are like fine wine, sometimes we just need to age a little.

2012- Started preqs (Age 22)

2013- Started RN program

2014-Withdrew from RN program due to medical reasons

2014- Started respiratory program

2016- Graduated RT program

2016-2020 Working as an RT, switching due to no upward mobility.

2020-Applied to an accelerated BSN program and got in. I will start this fall and will be 30.

I took some upper level science courses like biochem and ochem in 2018 to 2019 so have been out of classes for a year.

By the time I finish there will be a 10 year time lapse. I knew deep down it was always supposed to be nursing!

Specializes in Emergency.

I'm 25 and I start nursing school in September!

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.
On 10/5/2013 at 1:15 PM, BSNbeDONE said:

I was 19 when I entered an LPN program; 20 when I finished.:nurse: I was 44 when I entered an ASN bridge program; 45 when I finished.:bookworm: I was 45 when I entered an RN-BSN program; took a course or exam occasionally, like walking along kicking rocks until this year when, at 48, I decided to get it over with. So, I will be a stone's throw from 50 when I finish.:oldman: But that's it more.:smokin: So don't ask!:D

WOW! What a difference a “few” days make. I’m now a boulder’s throw past 50 and about to begin my third MSN course. Never say never.

Specializes in Psychiatry / Hospital Administration.

46 and the best business decision I ever made. Emotionally, such a privilege to serve in the intimate sphere of people in need.

Specializes in CVICU, CCRN.

18 years old starting BSN ?

26 years old started CRNA school ?

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.
On 10/5/2013 at 1:15 PM, BSNbeDONE said:

I was 19 when I entered an LPN program; 20 when I finished.:nurse: I was 44 when I entered an ASN bridge program; 45 when I finished.:bookworm: I was 45 when I entered an RN-BSN program; took a course or exam occasionally, like walking along kicking rocks until this year when, at 48, I decided to get it over with. So, I will be a stone's throw from 50 when I finish.:oldman: But that's it more.:smokin: So don't ask!:D

Well...I’m rushing to complete this MSN before my next birthday. IKR!!

Specializes in CEN, Firefighter/Paramedic.

19 - Paramedic school

28 - Started working on bachelors (part-time, non nursing)

35 - Completed bachelors

38 - Started working on nursing pre-reqs (again, part time)

40 - Started RN school


42 (hopefully) - Start part time NP Program

45 - retire from FD, begin working as an NP


Specializes in LTC.
Specializes in School Nursing.

I'm doing prereqs now at 33. I'll be 35 when I apply & 36 when I start. So that means I'd be 38 (or at least within days of it) at graduation

Specializes in LTC.

I knew My calling was to become a nurse when I was the person out of 3 members of our ambulance corps who  successfully became an EMT. I was working as a bus driver transporting people from  preschoolers to senior citizens. When my boss learned I was an EMT in our local ambulance corps, he paid for me to become both a first aid instructor and a CPR instructor, because he wanted all of his drivers to learn First aid and CPR. 

When I taught my students, I used some of the medical terms I learned when I became an EMT, and some of my students thought I was already a nurse then, so after I moved to a much larger area at age 54, that had many more resources, I applied at a place that had a program that provided educational programs to tech school, and I was awarded a full scholarship to nursing school, and became an LPN.

Specializes in School Nursing.
29 minutes ago, OldEMTNurse said:

I knew My calling was to become a nurse when I was the person out of 3 members of our ambulance corps who  successfully became an EMT. I was working as a bus driver transporting people from  preschoolers to senior citizens. When my boss learned I was an EMT in our local ambulance corps, he paid for me to become both a first aid instructor and a CPR instructor, because he wanted all of his drivers to learn First aid and CPR. 

When I taught my students, I used some of the medical terms I learned when I became an EMT, and some of my students thought I was already a nurse then, so after I moved to a much larger area at age 54, that had many more resources, I applied at a place that had a program that provided educational programs to tech school, and I was awarded a full scholarship to nursing school, and became an LPN.

That's pretty awesome!

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