Topics About 'School Experience'.

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Found 31 results

  1. Month-Long Student Nurses Day Celebration Starts Today! Nurses Week Contest #7 Did someone say stress? Not here. School is stress-free. (Says no one ever! ?) When under stress just laugh. Give it a try? Look at the toon above ... can you prov...
  2. I am in my third semester of nursing school and, if I make it through this semester, I will only have one more to go until graduation. But, I HATE nursing school. I keep reading that being a nurse is not like nursing school and I leave my clinicals f...
  3. Hello all, So I've been a nurse for about 5 years, worked in ER, Tele, Ambulatory PACU, etc. I'm in the middle of interviewing for per-diem positions (in addition to my part-time job in the ER) and I want to choose the best specialty that will prepar...
  4. Debating Withdrawing From CRNA school

    I know this is a very personal decision but I have no one (other than a therapist I might get) to talk to about this. My classmates don't want to hear it and I know my professors don't. I'm in my first semester of CRNA school (it hasn't even been 2 m...
  5. The wonderful thing about nursing is that it is open to everyone of all ages. Please give a cheer to all the people who believe that age is not a factor in learning. And, to all the people who strive for knowledge regardless of age. How old were you ...
  6. The burnout study of nursing is extensive and ongoing. Evidently, nurses are either burning out or burned out. However, when does the burning out begin, nursing school? Graduate nursing? Beginning practice? Or possibly later, after many years of pr...
  7. Have been attending an LVN Program in since August 2021-I keep thinking things are better but they do not improve- I came from the business world and had the opportunity to work from some nice places. This place is really yucky. The administration ...
  8. I am curious how nursing school is during COVID, please let us know your experiences. Are you taking all lecture classes online? Does your clinical sites allow students? if not, what are they substituting clinical's with? Do you feel like you are los...
  9. According to the 2018 National College Health Assessment, only 1.6 percent of college students felt no stress over the past 12 months. Whether you are a pre-nursing student, enrolled in a nursing program or working towards a different degree, your co...
  10. Struggling! LPN School

    Hello all, I am currently in the LPN program and I’m only on the 3rd day but I am freaking out !! I have ZERO health care background or history not to mention I have no medical terminology knowledge or medical work background either. I feel like...
  11. Tips from My Personal Experience When it came to my pre-nursing journey, I didn’t always have supportive people around me. In fact, some of them were very toxic and had no problem with showing their pursuits to tear me down. It was definitely ...
  12. Has anyone ever gotten denied from an LPN/RN program at one school and got accepted into an LPN/RN program at a different school? I really want to become a nurse and hope my chance has not past. In 2020, I I was given three chances to pass at LP...
  13. I’ve been having some issues in the classroom that have been ongoing for quite some time and it seems to have escalated - hoping to get some feedback. This is going to be a little-long winded so bear with me. A little backstory: I’m a gay ...
  14. I’m sure you guys have seen these types of posts a lot, so I’m sorry if it’s repetitive and annoying. I am 21 years old. I am in my 4th year of college, and I STILL haven’t finished my prerequisites for nursing yet. I’ve had to retake so ma...
  15. In desperate need of advice. I'm currently a sophomore in nursing school at one of the top 10 universities for nursing. I thought I was extremely interested in nursing, but being in nursing school has kind of crushed that for me. My professors are ex...
  16. Joe V


    Nursing Students are notorious for finding the most unique ways to catch a few winks. Now, falling asleep on the treadmill is one way and in the absence of any health-related issues, it's probably happened to a few people and not worrisome. If you ar...
  17. Joe V

    Never Give Up!

    A strong positive message can move mountains. What do you do to remind yourself to never give up? Is there someone in your life that's always there to pick you up? I believe that inspirational/motivational quotes are a great picker-upper... especiall...
  18. oneday_nursepoundcake

    Nursing school experiences in NYC, anyone?

    I'm in the process of applying to various nursing schools/programs after finishing up 2 years worth of pre-requisites at community college while working -- and really could use some insights from anyone who's been there in regards to NYC. There's a l...
  19. Ever feel like things are SLOOOOW? Is it too much information? Are you having a difficult time learning, reading, and/or concentrating while in school? What are you having a hard time with?
  20. The “Light Bulb Moment”

    I have been teaching nursing for a long time. I teach in the last course of an associate degree program. It might surprise many students what I am REALLY looking/hoping for in clinical. You may think that you can find it listed in the course o...
  21. I know that mileage will vary from student to student, but which courses did you find the most challenging in your first year? Is there anything you would have done differently or focused on to make it easier on yourself? I am very close to going i...
  22. Nursing School A Mistake

    I decided I wanted to be a nurse a while ago, worked hard and got into a really competitive program. We’re two weeks in and I hate it. It’s a lot of work but that doesn’t bug me that much. I’m really struggling because I don’t think I want to be a nu...
  23. Hello, I was hoping that someone could answer a question I have. I completed three semesters of nursing school but failed my fourth semester. It has been nearly two years since the failure and I've been thinking about going back. Just wondering if I ...
  24. ICU Residency Count As School Experience?

    Hello, I am a senior graduating in December (BSN) and have a few questions in order to prepare for CRNA school. I love critical care and have worked as a nurse tech in the CCU for about half a year now. When I graduate I plan to work in a level 1 STI...
  25. If you could send one message to Santa what would it be?