How old were you when you started nursing school?

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The wonderful thing about nursing is that it is open to everyone of all ages. Please give a cheer to all the people who believe that age is not a factor in learning. And, to all the people who strive for knowledge regardless of age. How old were you when you started nursing school?

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Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

EMT, age 29

Paramedic, age 31

RN/ASN, age 36

BSN, age 38

First MSN, 43

Second MSN, 44

First child, 45 ?

Specializes in CEN, Firefighter/Paramedic.
2 hours ago, Pixie.RN said:

EMT, age 29

Paramedic, age 31

RN/ASN, age 36

BSN, age 38

First MSN, 43

Second MSN, 44

First child, 45 ?

OMG a baby at 45!?  We got ours out of the way early, we’ll be empty nesters in January.  I’m 40 and my wife is 42 ?

Specializes in School Nursing.
11 hours ago, Pixie.RN said:

EMT, age 29

Paramedic, age 31

RN/ASN, age 36

BSN, age 38

First MSN, 43

Second MSN, 44

First child, 45 ?

That's amazing! All the best!!

Specializes in School Nursing.
9 hours ago, FiremedicMike said:

OMG a baby at 45!?  We got ours out of the way early, we’ll be empty nesters in January.  I’m 40 and my wife is 42 ?

Same here. My oldest should be out when I'm pushing 42 and the youngest by 48. Still a ways to go yet tho...

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
16 hours ago, FiremedicMike said:

OMG a baby at 45!?  We got ours out of the way early, we’ll be empty nesters in January.  I’m 40 and my wife is 42 ?

Yeah, that's how it worked out. It wasn't for lack of trying a bit earlier! Our daughter is truly a miracle, given my age, earlier losses, and a diagnosis last year of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, which probably caused my losses. Just glad to have her. ?

7 hours ago, AngusBeef said:

That's amazing! All the best!!

Thanks! Having a three-year-old at age 48 is no picnic, but I nap with her on the weekends. Haha.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Oncology.
On 11/13/2013 at 11:35 AM, FentyNP said:

I'm 23 now, got my 1st bachelors at age 21, will start an ABSN program at 24 and graduate at 25! Then on to become an NP ?

Update: Finished my ABSN program at 25 and worked as an RN for a few years before graduating with my master's this past Spring at 30. I'm currently a PNP fellow and loving it ^_^ I'm also a DNP student; graduating one last time at age 31 later this year. Next goal is Professor!

Specializes in LTC.

Started at 17. Currently on track to graduate in the next 4 months at 21.

Specializes in Nursing Student.

I'm 35 and will be 37 when I graduate.

Specializes in Hyperbaric.

Started as a CNA at 48. I finished my LVN at age 51 than got into a bridge program and finished my ADN at 54. The best thing that has happened to me professionally, was to become a nurse.

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