How old were you when you started nursing school?

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The wonderful thing about nursing is that it is open to everyone of all ages. Please give a cheer to all the people who believe that age is not a factor in learning. And, to all the people who strive for knowledge regardless of age. How old were you when you started nursing school?

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18 when I started prerequisites, started the nursing program at 20. Became and LPN on my 22nd birthday and finished my RN program in the same year.

I was 40 when I started an associates program and graduated at 42. Last year at 57 I finally completed my BSN and I am now working on a Masters!

Specializes in Nephrology Home Therapies, Wound Care, Foot Care..

57 when I started my ADN, graduated at 59, graduated from concurrent BSN/PHN program at 59. Doing my MSN/NP now, will graduate at 62

Specializes in Emergency.

I was accepted to my nursing program yesterday! I'm 41. I'll be 43 when I graduate ?

I was 20 when i entered nursing school and will hopefully graduated in march at the age of 22 from the rn program

This will be my second bachelors degree.

I was accepted into nursing school at 40. Thanks to a dual enrollment program with KU and my community college, I will be 42 when I graduate with an ADN and BSN.

I have a public health and mental health background, and my ultimate goal is to work as a PMHNP.

I am 32, have been working on prerequisites for the past two years and begin nursing courses this fall!

It had been awhile since I have been to school, so I was a bit nervous about it. I guess at first I thought it was too late to start all over to find myself a career I would love. I was so very wrong! There are so many nursing students in my school that vary across all ages, and it is SO inspiring! I don't know that I have seen so much diversity in a school as far as age as what I have seen for my fellow nursing students.

I have so much respect for anyone who is going for a career that can be as hard, competitive, and stressful as nursing, no matter what age you are. Awesome for all of you. I cannot wait to finally begin this journey in the fall.

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.

How old were you when you started nursing school?

Hopefully 31! lol

Specializes in Hospice and Palliative Care.

Started pre-reqs at 53! Finished AGNP at 64. Take that! Never say you're too old to change something unless you're already dead.

Love this thread. If all goes to plan I’ll be 33-35 when I finish a direct-entry MSN (depending on which school accepts me) and start work as a certified nurse midwife. Applying this fall, so excited. This is my dream, and totally worth the many inconveniences of juggling kids, husbands work, etc.

Specializes in School Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing.

I’m 37, and I start an accelerated BSN this fall! It’s my second bachelors, and I hope to eventually become an FNP :)

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