Topics About 'Funny'.

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Found 39 results

  1. Congratulations to BunnyBunnyBSNRN, ASN, BSN for the winning caption. ? Month-Long Nurses Week Celebration Starts Today! Nurses Week Contest #3 This cartoon, provided by Davey Do, needs a caption. Help us find the perfect caption and...
  2. And did you have to treat them? I am just curious. Your stories always seem to either crack me up or shake my head in amazement. Thanks for sharing 😀
  3. It's been said laughter is the best medicine. It is healthy to laugh and very contagious. Nurses often become infected with giggles that can lead to uproarious laughter at some of the most inopportune times. Where have you been when you've tried to s...
  4. Stool urine and sperm sample

    Hahahah I love this cartoon, found it on Pinterest
  5. The wonderful thing about nursing is that it is open to everyone of all ages. Please give a cheer to all the people who believe that age is not a factor in learning. And, to all the people who strive for knowledge regardless of age. How old were you ...
  6. I saw the above meme and I started laughing. ? I quickly thought of the community and it made me wonder... Have you ever had a moment when you thought to yourself that it may be time to retire? Or, maybe you saw your co-worker do something odd and to...
  7. Share Your Funniest Patient Stories...

    We all have lots of stories to tell. I thought it would be fun if we shared a few of our funniest patient stories with each other. Here's mine... I keep remembering a particular incident a few years back. It wasn't even my patient. I was heading dow...
  8. Brian

    New sheriff in town

    What would you change in nursing if you could?
  9. Have a wonderful weekend nurses! Behind every good doctor is an even greater nurse pulling strings and talking on their behalf ?
  10. Joe V

    A Rough Start To The Day

    I think all nurses had mornings feeling like this. What gets you going in the mornings? Please click like if you enjoyed it!
  11. VivaLasViejas

    The Humorous Nurse Speaks

    As a lifelong student of human foibles, I often find myself marveling at the number of undignified situations we blunder into on any given day. I mean, have you ever been so excited to meet a celebrity that you had to glance down at your name tag bef...
  12. Joe V

    Nurses laughing so hard...

    Nurses, what are some of the funniest things that has happened to you in Nursing? Please share your comments below and share your funny moments in nursing.
  13. Joe V

    You know you're a nurse when...

    As a nurse, we do/say some funny things. Most things are out of habit. Some things we are not even aware of ... until after the fact. Let's have some fun with this ... finish the following line: You know you're a nurse when... Click Like if you enjoy...
  14. Joe V

    Finish the Toon!

    And the winner is @Just me. ... Let's start off the year with a laugh! Do you think you have what it takes to finish this toon? We have some funny members in this community so I'm sure this will be easy for you. @NurseyTings...
  15. Breath Strip Menthol Eye (BSME) occurs when your breath gets too nasty from wearing a mask all day. Innocent victims try to allay the nastiness by placing a breath strip in their mouths, only to have vented breath from the top of the mask push mentho...
  16. Funny Names for Nurses

    An Accident and Emergency Department in Birmingham boasts a Nurse Payne Nurse Hacker scrubs regularly in a London Operating Department Sister De'Ath walks the corridors of a hospice in Victoria Does Annie Beaver still work in Obstetrics in New York? ...
  17. Joe V

    The Perfect Work Day

    We all have our vision of the perfect work that includes the ideal patient load and creature comforts such as bathroom breaks and time to eat. nice it would be if this would happen besides just in our dreams. What is YOU...
  18. I figured something out last night. The maker of grocery carts changed jobs. You know you grab a grocery cart, the wheels start shimmying like four strippers with thongs full of loose change? Yeah, that's the guy. Well, he went south. To Florida. To ...
  19. We've addressed this before when the patient-Nurse boundaries are blurred. But, it is a topic that is always important. Sometimes patients can affect us so strongly that it is difficult to keep a professional distance. Our feelings and emotions ...
  20. ChristineAdrianaRN

    "What I Really Do" meme

    There's this little thing floating around the social networking sites related to people's careers, where they post a picture showing what their friends, society, themselves, (and whoever else) think they do, and what they really do. I made one for my...
  21. VivaLasViejas

    You've Gotta Know the Lingo

    So this morning as I was enthroned upon the seat of wisdom, trying to decide what I was going to do with these precious 48 hours of weekend and instead thinking about work, it occurred to me that each area of nursing has its own language.....a specia...
  22. As many of you know by now, Kim Kardashian had her baby. As if you couldn't miss all the annoying coverage over every single detail. They named that poor kid North West. What are some of the funniest/weirdest/most unusual baby names you have seen? Co...
  23. These days, the price of gas is high, car insurance premiums are high, car notes are high ... heck everything is high. And, our attempts to offset some of the expense of trying to get to a Clinical site in our Nursing programs are challenging. Car-po...
  24. We are looking for short statements or funny captions as to what happens when you visit 1 ). You provide the Caption. Captions should be short. (Most people just like to write paragraphs and that's OK. We'll try to grab something ...
  25. Sometimes it is hard to work during the week and on weekends and have any kind of social life when you are a Nurse. After a long day/night at work all you can think about is going home and vegging out in your fav chair. Who has time or energy for par...