HELP: How Extensive Are Hiring Background Checks?

Nursing Students General Students


So, I'm a Nursing Student and recently in addition to my waitressing job, I started doing like camgirl stuff online. Do you think I could be fired as a RN in the future? Or it could come up in a background check and hinder my employment majorly? I've made over $400 on the camming website so I'm required to file taxes eventually and I guess I'm just scared I could lose my RN license one day. I just don't want anything to jeopardize my dream but I also would like to be able to stay in school so I can reach it. I realize now I jumped into this head first before really thinking of the consequences, but now I need to decide to continue doing it or stopping.

I guess any general advice would be wonderful to ease (or fuel) my anxiety. Thank you!

All actions have consequences. So at this point you understand that the possibility exists for you to be eliminated as a potential employee for every nursing job to which you apply.

Is this job worth losing any number of future ones? If 'yes'....carry on. If 'no'...find a less controversial way to make money.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

A very good question and kind of thought provoking for me. Morals aside I would think that as long as what you are doing is not considered illegal there's no reason for it to show up on a background check. I assume that live sex shows via internet are considered Media and not prostitution as you are not being paid to perform a sex act with another person, you are being paid to be watched performing sex acts.

Next point is the legality of those sex acts, some states have pretty odd laws on the books as to what sex acts are legal and what is not. Might not be a bad idea to look into this to be sure you are not inadvertently breaking some law you aren't even aware of, especially if your services are available nation wide [or even internationally]. Not that you would necessarily be held accountable, but never say never.

Last point I guess is really read the fine print in your states nursing regulations. Most states do have some kind of morality clause. Again, not that you would be caught, but do you really want to take that risk?

I remember my program director in nursing school telling us that she knew that some students were strippers to pay their way through school and she had no problem with that as long as she didn't link the school's name to her work activity in any way. Like wearing logo'ed clothes to/from work. This is legal activity just the same as stripping.

But if may come back to haunt you later regardless

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.
This. You can get more and more defensive on this thread, or with others, but what it really comes down to is whether or not you will be able to obtain, or maintain, professional employment in the future.

Right - and a person only gets one time to make a "first impression"

OP, I do understand paying for nursing school and bills - but there are other job that probably wouldn't have u wondering - it wasn't glamorous but I worked as a ward clerk in a hospital, in a restaurant, and as an LPN while in RN school.

Please don't flame me too bad - j/s

Anne, RNC

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Besides all of the above discussion, I would say this to the OP: Have some self-respect. I'd clean toilets bare-handed before I'd do what you are doing.

Specializes in ICU.

The attempted ****-shaming in this thread is grossing me out. Girl, get that money. Sex workers of all types deserve respect and just because you're working as a cam girl DOES NOT mean you have no self respect. My only question is how your employer will/might appear on a background check -- I'm assuming the company doesn't operate under SexyCamGirls incorporated? If they're just a generic company name (the one you file taxes under -- like I work for XYZ hospital but my company on my W2 is Large Hospital Conglomerate). If this would out you, find a more discreet company to work for. You do you, my friend.

Besides all of the above discussion, I would say this to the OP: Have some self-respect. I'd clean toilets bare-handed before I'd do what you are doing.

SERIOUSLY?! So basically your comment was meant to only be rude and distasteful while offering NO help to the OP?! To me, it seemed like no more than a personal attack/insult and that is NOT what AN is about! The OP did not ask what anyone thought about her profession and though others may not agree with her choice, at least they offered some sort of insight! You, on the other hand, did not!

Specializes in Family Practice, Mental Health.

My advice is; you HAVE to look at the end game.

Do you honestly think that you'll have a snowballs's chance in [you-know-where] to advance in a leadership position, fifteen years from now when your boss gets ahold of those recordings?

You get advanced when you make your boss look good. That's how it works in the real world.

You could have a glowing resume for the next ten years, but are unknowingly held back because of such indiscretion.

If you want to gamble with your future and think the odds are in your favor, just know that the downside of what you're doing could be one of the biggest things you will Ever regret in your entire life.

My advice is; you HAVE to look at the end game.

Do you honestly think that you'll have a snowballs's chance in [you-know-where] to advance in a leadership position, fifteen years from now when your boss gets ahold of those recordings?

You get advanced when you make your boss look good. That's how it works in the real world.

You could have a glowing resume for the next ten years, but are unknowingly held back because of such indiscretion.

If you want to gamble with your future and think the odds are in your favor, just know that the downside of what you're doing could be one of the biggest things you will Ever regret in your entire life.

Or someone finds this thread and figures out that it's you.

Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU.

As PP said, they can trace any legitimate job through social security number. Any smart Media-related company would have a plain brown wrapper of a legal name so it probably won't be noticed. Assuming you have other jobs to cover that time period you will probably fly under the radar.

I agree, employers won't waste time digging too deeply. If you get too loose-lipped on the job however, one of your co-workers with a grudge might out you. Some young thing that's just jealous of your looks and your ability to make money off of it.

Didn't some teacher lose her job because of posting internet pictures of herself?

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.

There are probably hundreds of web cam sites, and thousands of women doing this.

I doubt if someone would distinctly remember your face after seeing you online a year or two later when you apply, but I would be concerned that someone from your waitressing or clinical recognizes you now, then goes back to the site to confirm.

at that point the cats out of the bag, and next thing you know, gossip and screen shots are all over the place. This could seriously impact your education and job prospects.

And while I have no problem with you doing this, keep in mind that a definition of "vileness" is moral depravity, so yes, this could be used against you.

Is it worth the risk?

Specializes in Pediatric.

I'm not sure if it would show up on a background check... There's a good possibility this could come up later on the line for you though. I wish I could give you the more definitive answer you seek. :(

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