HELP: How Extensive Are Hiring Background Checks?

Nursing Students General Students


So, I'm a Nursing Student and recently in addition to my waitressing job, I started doing like camgirl stuff online. Do you think I could be fired as a RN in the future? Or it could come up in a background check and hinder my employment majorly? I've made over $400 on the camming website so I'm required to file taxes eventually and I guess I'm just scared I could lose my RN license one day. I just don't want anything to jeopardize my dream but I also would like to be able to stay in school so I can reach it. I realize now I jumped into this head first before really thinking of the consequences, but now I need to decide to continue doing it or stopping.

I guess any general advice would be wonderful to ease (or fuel) my anxiety. Thank you!

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

haha, yeah, that girl is definitely not me. So, you believe I should stop?

one of my RN friend's told me

You haven't done anything illegal, so there's no legal action anyone can take against you. Especially a hospital, as camming has nothing to do with them. You didn't sell child Mediaography, so children have nothing to do with it either. The only way something could happen is if your employer has tons of extra time on their hands for some reason and decides that they have nothing better to do with that time than to snoop on their employees. And even then, they would have to specifically be snooping on your taxes and able to figure out that the money came from camming. And even then you would have to work in an at will state where an employer can fire you for any/no reason. And even then I think it's insanely unlikely, because after an employer has invested a ton of money training you and you've become a valued member of the team, the last thing they want to do is fire you for a dumb reason and have to find/train someone else. I've seen nurses who probably should be fired who aren't because no one wants to spend money finding and orienting someone new. The reality is, nurse managers just don't have the time to go digging around in their employee's info just because. The background check you'll have to get is done by a third party and only alerts to criminal activity (and even a lot of that stuff nurse mangers don't give a **** about…I know more than a couple nurses who have arrests under their belt and continue to practice with no problem. The biggest deal breaker is child molestation. You can even have drug charges brought against you and be able to practice. Not that it's easy, but it's certainly achievable. People who think nurses have to be squeaky clean are naive to what's actually going on around them). Yes, there's a slim chance something could come of this….but, really, most managers are cool and could care less what you do in your personal life as long as you're a good nurse. If they're not, you don't want to work under them anyway. I would, of course, be smart about it and not take any unnecessary risks or tell anyone, but this isn't something that should prevent you from becoming a nurse!"
Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Still don't know what "camming" means - never heard that term before this thread

I posted an explanation on first page...basically it's a service online where the model performs a live sex show online for money. or they can do private shows. or you just talk/listen to people while naked. people are lonely and just want to talk sometimes~

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

I think you answered your own question. Do you really think an employer who finds out you're doing live sex acts on camera is going to be willing to hire you as a nurse? Think about it. Then think about it some more. :no:

If they an individual had to confidence to tell me tht they recognize me from a cam-website than I would probably explain to them I was in college/needed money to pay for Nursing school... it does not reflect my nursing ability or intelligence. Basically tell them to be professional and grow up and that it's in the past. I'm not going to cam while I'm an RN.

In a perfect world employers would "grow up" and realize it's in the past. As you've said, this doesn't hinder your intelligence or capabilities as a nurse. But the reality is, we live in a world where employers look up your Facebook page and throw your application away when they find pictures from parties....sometimes even if they find too many grammar errors. It's a tough job market.

Specializes in PACU.

Well, I mean on one side, people have stripped their way through medical school and still become employable so I guess it would be about the same as that.

Would I do it? Personally, no. I don't think it's a good career move. People DO look down on it when they find out. However, is your choice.

If they an individual had to confidence to tell me tht they recognize me from a cam-website than I would probably explain to them I was in college/needed money to pay for Nursing school... it does not reflect my nursing ability or intelligence. Basically tell them to be professional and grow up and that it's in the past. I'm not going to cam while I'm an RN.

You can tell them that all you want to be professional, but once people form an opinion of you, it will be hard to change that. And the likely hood of the person coming to YOU probably won't happen. They are more likely to run tell fellow coworkers.

Specializes in SICU.

hmm it seems like the OP's question is not whether employers will be okay with it, but rather whether this is the sort of thing that will show up on a background check. it seems pretty obvious the OP isn't about to list it on her resume or as past employment.

some quick googling suggests that it is possible for an employment background check to determine all previous employers, but that most employers do not bother doing such a rigorous search, and instead stick to confirming that the jobs you did list are accurate. i don't know where hospitals fall in this spectrum of rigor in background searches, and it may vary from employer to employer.

I think you answered your own question. Do you really think an employer who finds out you're doing live sex acts on camera is going to be willing to hire you as a nurse? Think about it. Then think about it some more. :no:

This. You can get more and more defensive on this thread, or with others, but what it really comes down to is whether or not you will be able to obtain, or maintain, professional employment in the future.

Specializes in IMCU, Oncology.

As others have said, if someone recognizes you it will not matter why you did it. It won't matter if they "grow up" or if you don't do it anymore. Their opinion will be formed based on their experience of you in the past and that opinion will most likely be shared with others.

I don't think you should only consider whether it will show up on a background check or employment history. If you have shown your face, there is always that chance that someone will know who you are.

There are plenty of ways to pay for college that doesn't compromise your dignity or future!

Hi OP,

I just want to let you know that it is possible for your future employers to see ALL of your past employment (the jobs that are connected to your social security number). I did not know this until I started hiring nurses and requesting their background checks when I extend a position. Also, the company that I work for has a "media compliance" department that monitors any negative media that may be in connection to your name. It is astounding of how many people has lost their jobs because of that. Be very careful of the decisions you make now; think about how it will play a role in your future endeavors.

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