klone MSN, RN

Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery

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About klone

klone has 18 years experience as a MSN, RN and specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

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  1. klone

    Vitamin K route in Anticoagulation Clinic

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5735741/#:~:text=Therefore%2C the intravenous route is,vitamin K in clinical practice.
  2. klone

    Can nursing school be paid for by a hospital?

    Some hospitals already have programs like that in place that you must apply into (University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz had a program like that when I worked there back 10-15 years ago). Most places are not going to just agree to do that if you as...
  3. klone

    Contacting nurse managers

    If it's a requirement to proceed with the hiring process, what is your other option? Funny story - I just started a new nurse manager job at a fairly prestigious teaching facility on the west coast. They paid to relocate me across the country, g...
  4. No. When I pull a medication from Pyxis, I look at the label of the medication. Every single time. If you don't, you shouldn't be a nurse either.
  5. klone

    Provider X asks LVN to scan the meds X gave

    In Epic, there is the capability to indicate that the med was given by a different person.
  6. klone

    Schools for B.S. for clinical research?

    University of Colorado offers a degree in clinical research. I was a clinical research nurse for 2 years, and I almost went back to school to get that research degree, but ultimately changed my mind and got my MSN instead. Agree that a clinical ...
  7. This was more than a mistake. This was egregiously sloppy, careless behavior that ended up killing someone. Someone compared it to Kim Potter, which I think is a good analogy (I lived in Minneapolis during that time so followed the case closely). ...
  8. klone

    Induction Scheduling Procedures

    That's a hard question to answer without knowing the size of your unit, the types of IOLs you're scheduling, etc.
  9. They would need to file a civil suit.
  10. Oregon just passed staffing laws and even does one better than California - they have written in mandatory ratios into their legislation (L&D is 1:1 for active labor and 1:2 for not active; med/surg is 1:5 but will go down to 1:4 I believe in 202...
  11. klone

    Case Study: An OB Catastrophe

    Even better - there's a podcast called "Critical Care Obstetrics" I LOVE it. It's on Spotify
  12. klone

    Case Study: An OB Catastrophe

    No, we typically do not form a diagnosis of oligo after ROM because it's kind of meaningless. It would be expected that there would be low fluid after ROM. Nevertheless, in this case study, the patient was labeled as oligo after PPROM. The oligo was ...