HELP: How Extensive Are Hiring Background Checks?

Nursing Students General Students


So, I'm a Nursing Student and recently in addition to my waitressing job, I started doing like camgirl stuff online. Do you think I could be fired as a RN in the future? Or it could come up in a background check and hinder my employment majorly? I've made over $400 on the camming website so I'm required to file taxes eventually and I guess I'm just scared I could lose my RN license one day. I just don't want anything to jeopardize my dream but I also would like to be able to stay in school so I can reach it. I realize now I jumped into this head first before really thinking of the consequences, but now I need to decide to continue doing it or stopping.

I guess any general advice would be wonderful to ease (or fuel) my anxiety. Thank you!

No. I actually looked up her profile. Nowhere does is say ANYTHING about her current/previous job. I was trying NOT to be ignorant. I'm not a mind reader, I don't personally know her. I didn't know until after than comment she was enrolling in an ABSN program. If I would've known BEFOREHAND that she was employed but not in a nursing capacity I would've taken the conversation a different route. But you sit on you horse thinking your better than everyone to see that.

I was only speaking in regards of the portion that I put in bold. So YES, we ARE just going to disagree on that statement. And I don't think I'm better than anyone. You throwing in how long you have been a LVN made you sound as if your opinion was somehow better than that of a pre-nursing student.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
I was only speaking in regards of the portion that I put in bold. So YES, we ARE just going to disagree on that statement. And I don't think I'm better than anyone. You throwing in how long you have been a LVN made you sound as if your opinion was somehow better than that of a pre-nursing student.

I was mentioning how I have been an LVN for 5 years, working. Not rubbing it in her face. Just that I worked-by the way & I brought up that I didn't know she did. YOU are the ignorant one.

I didn't get to finish the conversation with her, whereas this one is done.

I was mentioning how I have been an LVN for 5 years, working. Not rubbing it in her face. Just that I worked-by the way & I brought up that I didn't know she did. YOU are the ignorant one.

I didn't get to finish the conversation with her, whereas this one is done.

And a great night and wonderful careers to all! :nurse:

Specializes in critical care.

My feelings on this thread, after being this >

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Closed for staff review.

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