Have you ever heard of being allergic to mosquito bites?


Specializes in Geriatrics.

My 15 mos. old has welts all over his face and neck from mosquitoes...I've been putting hydrocortisone cream on them...but I have never seen the likes! My pedi said whenever he is out to put insect repellent on him, but this was just walking to the mailbox the other evening and he had on long sleeves and jeans...I never gave a thought to his face! He even got one in his ear...they don't seem to be itching him...I've yet to see him scratch at them, but geez! My poor baby!

Blessings, Michelle

Specializes in Home Health Care.

Yes, I've heard of it. I've been allergic to mosquito's , bee's, wasps, pollens, molds, grasses & trees for 35yrs. I take antihistamines, nasal steroids and immunotherapy to control my reactions. I feel bad for your baby as I wouldn't wish allergies on anyone! For some reason, mosquitos always seem to find me too.

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
My 15 mos. old has welts all over his face and neck from mosquitoes...I've been putting hydrocortisone cream on them...but I have never seen the likes! My pedi said whenever he is out to put insect repellent on him, but this was just walking to the mailbox the other evening and he had on long sleeves and jeans...I never gave a thought to his face! He even got one in his ear...they don't seem to be itching him...I've yet to see him scratch at them, but geez! My poor baby!

Blessings, Michelle

Yep, I was as a kid. My mom gave me thiamine (vitamin) that seemed to keep them from being attracted to me.

I did outgrow it but yowsa! Sometimes my arm would be as big as my leg!

Specializes in Hem/Onc, LTC, AL, Homecare, Mgmt, Psych.

We discovered my husband is allergic to horsefly bites. He got some on his feet while we were camping a few years ago and his feet got so puffy I thought he'd float away! Luckily the swelling subsided followed by some motrin and elevation for a few hours. I was so hoping he wouldn't go into anaphylactic shock out in the woods! Hope your little guy is doing all right. Have you tried like an Aveeno or baking soda bath?

Yep, I was as a kid. My mom gave me thiamine (vitamin) that seemed to keep them from being attracted to me.

I did outgrow it but yowsa! Sometimes my arm would be as big as my leg!

My 15 mos. old has welts all over his face and neck from mosquitoes...I've been putting hydrocortisone cream on them...but I have never seen the likes! My pedi said whenever he is out to put insect repellent on him, but this was just walking to the mailbox the other evening and he had on long sleeves and jeans...I never gave a thought to his face! He even got one in his ear...they don't seem to be itching him...I've yet to see him scratch at them, but geez! My poor baby!

Blessings, Michelle

My daughter gets the same thing, but it took me awhile to figure out that it wasn't mosquito bites...it was actually fruit flies...which do bite and if you are allergic, can leave a nasty mark, but they don't itch like mosquitos do. We have them every summer because we are constantly bringing in tomatoes and apples from our garden and it's impossible to clear our house of them completely...they seem to come out of nowhere.

My solution: Skin-so-Soft by Avon...this is sold ALOT in tropical areas such as Thailand, etc...b/c it's a natural repellant which is a huge reason why some people buy it...that way you aren't putting chemicals on your child that may be harmful to have on her skin every day.

Another solution: I also brought our outdoor bug zapper inside the house at night and put it in a central location...that killed just about everything and the light attracts them.

Worked for us.

Yup, I've heard of being allergic to mosquito bites..because I am allergic to them! The area bitten swells to unbelievable proportions!

Just a bit of info I found out reading up on mosquitos and their habits. The tend to bite light skinned people in dark colored clothing or dark skinned people in light colored clothing. I forgot the reason for it but I have noticed when I dress in light colored clothing I don't get bitten as bad or at all as I do when I am dressed in darker clothing.

Oh, my Boxer (dog) is also allergic to mosquito mites..poor baby. They don't seem to itch as bad as they look like they would. And actually my bites really don't itch any more than any other person getting a mosquito bite.

I think I am one of those unlucky people who have an immune system that goes insane. I have several allergic reactions to things. Some of the strangest things will trigger an allergic reaction on me.

Not being allergic to bee stings etc, I AM to mosquitos. The bite swells up about twice normal and itches terribly..too many and I run a low grade fever. I can get out in the noon sun with no mosquito or standing water in sight for 10 minutes and have at least one bite. They say to put repellent on just the clothes but if I try that I get bitten and yes, even on the ear. Normal repellent doesn't seem to work either, I have to use something with deet. I started buying what is called a donut and placing it around the yard to at least try to keep some area free of mosquitos, it seems to help somewhat.


Specializes in ED, ICU, PACU.

I, too, am allergic to mosquito bites and I seem to be a magnet for them, also. A bite on my lower arm will create wheal about 1/4 the size of my lower arm, itch so intensely that I feel like ripping my skin off & the swelling (although slowly decreasing), along with random periods of flare up itching will last for at least 2 weeks. I have to down the benedryl like candy. The only thing that I have found to take an edge off the itching is the lanacaine spray, but I will go through at least 2 cans for a single bite. I have also found that with time and subsequent bites, the reaction worsens. I feel for your son.

my dgd was very allergic to skeeters when whe was a toddler, has outgrown that

this may be internet urban talesbut i have heard that they are drawn to vanilla water..

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I have heard of allergies to mosquitos, roach feces, mouse droppings and many other things. People are known to go into anaphalatic shock over bug and spider bites.

Specializes in Critical Care.

Your body has the capacity to produce a type I (IgE mediated) hypersensitivity reaction to just about any insect bite.

Specializes in Med Surg, Ortho.
My 15 mos. old has welts all over his face and neck from mosquitoes...I've been putting hydrocortisone cream on them...but I have never seen the likes! My pedi said whenever he is out to put insect repellent on him, but this was just walking to the mailbox the other evening and he had on long sleeves and jeans...I never gave a thought to his face! He even got one in his ear...they don't seem to be itching him...I've yet to see him scratch at them, but geez! My poor baby!

Blessings, Michelle

My daughter and I both welt up when we get mosquito bites. I try to make sure she is not out during peak mosquito times, mornings, evenings, esp after a rain. We don't get bit much anymore because we stay indoors during these times. If we must be out, I'll use a mild spray containing deet. I hate using that stuff though because I worry about it being absorbed in her little body. Also, skin so soft by Avon is a terrific mosquito repellent, but it's just best to stay in during dusk hours.

I use Calamine lotion after she's received a bite, it keeps her from scratching and making a bloody sore out of it. :up:

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