Does anyone here like nursing?

Nurses General Nursing


I've seen so many topics and posts about those who hate their nursing jobs. As a future nursing student this worries me. Most of the nurses and nursing students I talk too in my area seem to like nursing some even say they love it and that all the hard work at the nursing school was worth it.

However in my area with the 4 year nursing degree there are alot of jobs and nurses start off with high pay so that may be a factor.

Specializes in Psych/Mental Health.

I like nursing. But I didn't like my first nursing job due to poor staffing/management. I like my current nursing job now.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

Yes, I do. I find myself humming at work many times, just contentedness. Am going on 37 years as a nurse now, aide and candystriper before that.

I have been able to travel and work overseas, I teach at my community college, I work nights in the ER (never, never want to go back to days, shudder).

I have only one payment left on my mortgage (PARTY COMING UP!)!!

I like people.

I like doing something about it when there is hurt/pain/distress. Had a spouse ask how I could stand to be around all this (trauma, pain, disaster), I just blurted out "because I am doing something about it!".

I don't need to come in here and brag about my life and my job, my coworkers, etc. I do brag a little bit to some friends here about how things are going post double masties, chemo and rads, but not in the general nursing forum. I come here because people "get it", when I need to vent. Or give advice. Or just weigh in on heavy debate topics, such as "do unicorns fart or poop rainbows?".

I've seen so many topics and posts about those who hate their nursing jobs. As a future nursing student this worries me. Most of the nurses and nursing students I talk too in my area seem to like nursing some even say they love it and that all the hard work at the nursing school was worth it.

Thanks for asking the question, bluestar776!

I was reading some of those posts recently and they were getting me really nervous. As a nursing student, I would hate to think that all my hard work (not to mention student debt) is getting me into a job I won't enjoy...

Thanks all who are taking the time to respond!

I love the idea of being a nurse, like I used to view nursing before I entered the profession. Sorry, I can't say the same for the reality that nursing has turned out to be.

Specializes in Gerontology.

I have been doing bedside nursing for over 30 Years and stillk enjoy it. My frustrations and unhappiness comes from decisions made from upper management

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
These people above me are lying and hate their jobs.

Sour Lemon, you need to go to this thread in the Breakroom:

Make up a total lie about the poster above you! | allnurses

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).


In coming back and reading poppycat's post, I think I may have neglected to directly answer this question.

I love being a nurse, what the title stands for, what the work entails, and what satisfaction I get feeling like a contributing member of society.

I am by no means, a religious person. However, the basic principles behind Christianity are worth following. Doing techy things like working in surgery, or administrative things like being a nursing supervisor were great and I feel blessed to have been able to work in those areas. But when I stoop down to help a geriatric psych patient put on their footies, I think of how Jesus washed the feet of his Disciples. Here this great man (or whatever else you may believe), humbled himself. He made himself equal to them by making himself less than them, but in reality, he was above them.

That doesn't sound the way I wanted to convey about how I think and feel bout nursing, but maybe you can get the gist. We are servants to those with which we provide care, but we are esteemed professionals in a respected field. So, whether I was first scrub on a lumbar laminectomy with a second scrub, two surgeons, three back tables and a mayo stand, or wiping the butt of an incontinent geriatric psych patient, I was doing a job that I love: providing comfort and care to another human being

And that's what I love about nursing, Allison007!

I like nursing. It's easy and I get paid a lot of money. I only work per diem positions so I have complete control over my schedule and have the luxury of having all holidays off.

I like nursing because it provides me an enjoyable lifestyle and all the free time I desire.

It also taught me not to be afraid of doctors anymore. So easy to talk to them now.

It also taught me that a patients safety and well-being in the hospital is dependent on NURSING CARE. Not the all-mighty physicians.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.

I could handle anything but the chronic and unmitigated understaffing. Fix this one issue and 99.999% of the usual nursing negatives will rectify themselves.

There are other issues but this is by far the big one. It puts unnecessary stress on every other aspect of nursing care.

Amen, sister.

Specializes in ED, ICU, PSYCH, PP, CEN.

Depending on your job and work team, nursing can be scary and very hard. I've worked in great places, and horrible places. Thank God I now work in a very nice place. The job can be hard, combative patients, snarky, stupid docs, lots of poop. But nursing has been very good to me overall and I love it. It is incredibly rewarding knowing you have helped people on the worst days of their life. I've even saved a few lives. I love the science, the challenge and the friendships.

I love seeing my skills become better all the time. The ICU I currently work in is the hub of the hospital and we help and monitor the other depts (night shift). Our hospital is not without problems and like most places they don't really listen to our input, but for the most part staffing in our unit is good and my team mates are awesome. I'm very grateful for the chance to be a nurse and help people. Nurse of 15 years, started at 45. It's not to late.

I think nursing is a job. There are good nursing jobs and horrible nursing jobs. It's incumbent on the individual nurse to find the "right fit" for them. Many want to go to work and moan about how they hate their jobs, significant others, kids, traffic, the weather.... forever. Stay away from these black holes. If nurse is not willing to do anything about the situation they are in then let them bask in their misery. It's what martyrs do and they often attract a following of similarly situated whiney pitiful twits whose daily highlight is commiseration of how the world done them wrong

I work in Urgent Care and really like my job. I have friends who work on units that I would hate. We all have different personalities, likes, dislikes, etc. Some nurses love Peds, some hate Peds. Some nurses love surgery, some hate surgery. You'll just need to find the right fit for you! That is the beauty of our profession!

I do work with nurses who constantly complain... about their personal lives, job, etc. They have some of the best, most predictable hours in our clinic. I think complainers just like to complain. If you're that unhappy with your job... find a new one!

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