Published Dec 30, 2017
145 Posts
I've seen so many topics and posts about those who hate their nursing jobs. As a future nursing student this worries me. Most of the nurses and nursing students I talk too in my area seem to like nursing some even say they love it and that all the hard work at the nursing school was worth it.
However in my area with the 4 year nursing degree there are alot of jobs and nurses start off with high pay so that may be a factor.
3,413 Posts
This site is a safe, easy, place to vent, complain, be snarky, etc. about your job and co-workers. Of course you are going to read how I hate my job stories.
I've been married 47 years. If you overheard me talking, complaining, to a close friend about my marriage you would think I am in the worlds worse marriage. I feel better getting the dumb petty junk off my chest and my friend does the same about her marriage.
I love nursing.
There is no job in the world that is all roses, sunshine, and happy happy workers, except elfs at the North Pole working for Santa. ( He has a magical garden with sunshine and roses.)
Kitiger, RN
1,834 Posts
385 Posts
I happen to love nursing, (actual hands-on, supportive and therapeutic patient care). It was a second-career choice for me, after a great career in manufacturing. I gave nursing 'several' years, and went back to manufacturing a 'couple-few' years ago. I miss it every single day but there is no way in holy hell I'm going back.
I could handle anything but the chronic and unmitigated understaffing. Fix this one issue and 99.999% of the usual nursing negatives will rectify themselves.
There are other issues but this is by far the big one. It puts unnecessary stress on every other aspect of nursing care.
27 Posts
I love being a nurse. I could not see myself being anything else. I love how I not only get to help patients at their most vulnerable, but I also get to incorporate my love of science.
If I could go back in time to when I first declared my major in school, I wouldn't change a single thing. "Nurse" is more than a job to me; it's an identifier. I always seem to add that in when I introduce myself to people (less so now, but allllll the time right after I graduated). I find such a sense of community among nurses of all kind.
Not to say there is nothing wrong with this proffession. The hours and the pay can be unfair, depending on where you are, and as a PP said, understaffing proves to be a real pain in everyone's behind. At the end of the day, you have to mussel through the tough days because that ONE day when you feel as if you got to make a real difference in the life of a pt is worth it. :)
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,549 Posts
Like it? Not even important. It has bought me a wonderful home and fabulous vacations and a really good life. So, liking it is not an issue.
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
These people above me are lying and hate their jobs.
hppygr8ful, ASN, RN, EMT-I
4 Articles; 5,185 Posts
This site is a safe, easy, place to vent, complain, be snarky, etc. about your job and co-workers. Of course you are going to read how I hate my job stories.I've been married 47 years. If you overheard me talking, complaining, to a close friend about my marriage you would think I am in the worlds worse marriage. I feel better getting the dumb petty junk off my chest and my friend does the same about her marriage.I love nursing.There is no job in the world that is all roses, sunshine, and happy happy workers, except elfs at the North Pole working for Santa. ( He has a magical garden with sunshine and roses.)
Any maybe a little Xanax!
ArtClassRN, ADN, RN
630 Posts
Yes. I like nursing.
Yeah, but a free supply of Xanax makes it all sooooo good!
1,487 Posts
Nursing was not at all for me. I did it merely to survive. Being an NP is not bad at all, mostly I like it.
I disliked nursing mostly because of nasty personality disordered co-workers and supervisors, not the actual work.
901 Posts
How I feel about nursing has changed drastically now that I have a job that is a good fit for me. At this point I absolutely love being a nurse, yes.