Does anyone here like nursing?


I've seen so many topics and posts about those who hate their nursing jobs. As a future nursing student this worries me. Most of the nurses and nursing students I talk too in my area seem to like nursing some even say they love it and that all the hard work at the nursing school was worth it.

However in my area with the 4 year nursing degree there are alot of jobs and nurses start off with high pay so that may be a factor.

Nursing is sooo awesome! Avoiding the negative, staying focused while at work and blessing patients lives everyday is very rewarding!

First, people are just venting. We are all human after all.

Second, I love this job. I dont know where I would be if I hadnt decided to become an RN. Nursing, I can honestly say, truly changed me. Not even sure I want to speculate where I would be without nursing.

1. It gave me motivation to not "settle". I can remember telling my brother about three years ago, before nursing entered my life, that I had no problem settling for a mundane job if I just lived within my means.

2. It made me a more mature person. I entered this profession fairly young. The crap I have seen forced me to grow up.

3. And of course, it gave me confidence and it gave me friends.

4. It gave me a sense of belonging for the first time in my life, outside of being with my own biological family. In middle and high school, I was the bookish shy nerd who everyone disregarded because my siblings overshadowed me. The hospital is like my second home. Of course, I am lucky enough to be able to depend on my coworkers for anything.

5. It gave me reason to be strong. On my very first working day as a CNA, I was not given an orientation and instead I found out I had 30 patients when I didnt even know my way around the facility. Halfway through my shift, I cried because the dementia patient called me an unqualified idiot. But then I heard a call light go off, so I picked myself back up, dried my eyes, and told myself if I cant be strong for myself then I need to be strong for my patients.

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

I truly love my job. I am an older relatively new nurse (6 years) but I love to learn and have a long way to go. Just finished my MSN but have so many projects going on where I work (ortho unit) that I am not in a rush to go anywhere. I want to help find a way to resolve some of the apathy, be a better preceptor and help educate. I have found that most of our newer nurses really are open to learn new things and like when the become more autonomous. I am the EPIC expert and the diabetes expert so I am a "go-to" person for stuff. I complement our clinical lead.

I work very hard to treat my patients well. I have had 2 patients in the last month that are victims of being judged. Had an HIV + patient that told me that I have been the nicest nurse they have ever had. Another polysubstance abuse pt that was so very appreciative of being treated with dignity and respect.

I work very hard to get people discharged asap if they have a long drive. It doesn't take much effort to do little things that mean a lot.

I love where I work and I take pride in my workplace. I'm a geek. :)

Specializes in Med-Surg/Neuro/Oncology floor nursing..

I love my job and I love being a nurse. Its funny because I am not a people-person at all. That being said I didn't always love my job. As I've said many times on here my first hospital job was terrible I hated it and wanted the hospital to have burned down overnight when I arrived the next day. Thankfully I found a job at a hospital I love. Its what you make of it. Management, scheduling and your co-workers can also make or break you when it comes to nursing.

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