Updated: Nov 16, 2020 Published Nov 13, 2020
9 Posts
I’m sure you all know about the COVID vaccine and the plan to first vaccinate healthcare workers. How does everyone feel about this vaccine ? I personally do not want it..Where are the long term studies. IDK it’s worrisome to me that it will prob be mandated for us
macawake, MSN
2,141 Posts
12 minutes ago, Cat1223 said: I’m sure you all know about the COVID vaccine and the plan to first vaccinate healthcare workers. How does everyone feel about this vaccine ? I personally do not want it..Where are the long term studies. IDK it’s worrisome to me that it will prob be mandated for us
Since we’ve only lived with this ? for less than a year, we will not have the luxury of long-term studies.
No vaccine has been approved yet. Once one is, I will review the details of the trial data and if I’m satisfied with it, I expect that I’ll happily take the vaccine.
All things in life comes with risks. I’ve certainly done more dangerous things in my life than take a vaccine after it’s been through a large phase 3 trial and subsequently been approved. To me it’s just a question of evaluating the amount of risk involved versus the benefits.
Even though I am personally statistically low risk, I have elderly grandparents who aren’t. I have patients and a few coworkers who aren’t. I’m sure that I meet other people in my daily life who aren’t. To me the peace of mind of posing less of a risk to them is worth a lot.
This pandemic has caused hardship for many. Both health related and financial. If a vaccine with reasonable effectiveness becomes available, I welcome it.
5,235 Posts
You may not have to make the decision any time soon. My state has 11.5 million people in it. We have been told we will be allotted 30,000 doses once it’s approved. That’s only enough for 15,000 people to receive it. It will be going to first responders, absolute front line workers and (not 100% on this) at risk folks in congregate living situations.
caal19, BSN, RN, EMT-B
55 Posts
The way I see it, people are at far greater risk for complications if they get COVID than if they get the vaccine.
bitter_betsy, BSN
456 Posts
I'm not happy about it. We have already been told we are "on the list" to get it. I am far from an anti-vaxxer. I too am concerned about long term. I am not 20, but I am not 60 either. If I get covid, I will most likely fair pretty well so for me its really a toss up. I want to know if we can get anti-body tested first because I almost think I may have already had it and just not known it.
CommunityRNBSN, BSN, RN
928 Posts
I will get it, as I’m a healthcare worker (obviously) and want to protect my patients. The real question for me is my 9 year old son. He’s a healthy child, which means— statistically— he is at zero risk for being seriously ill from Covid. He’s been fully vaccinated up to this point; but all the vaccines he’s received have had years (decades for most of them) of data to back them up. Any new vaccine or new drug is scary because what if it causes neurological problems that don’t become evident until ten years later? Again, acceptable risk for me, but the calculation is different with kids. But on the other hand, he has grandparents, and I also need to protect them from him. It’s going to be a tough decision for sure (unless the public school requires it to attend, in which case I’d just vaccinate him rather than sacrifice his education because I feel slightly uneasy).
herring_RN, ASN, BSN
3,651 Posts
We kids were given dimes to take to school to help finance the development of a polio vaccine. I remember my Grandma saying there were more than 14 thousand infected each year in the United States. Dr. Salk first tested the vaccine on himself, and then volunteer family members. He declared it safe. The clinical trial subjects were the 1.8 million people "Polio Pioneers" first vaccinated. Some got the vaccine and some got a placebo. The nurse who gave me the shot didn't know which she gave, but records were kept. When the first needle bent she told me I was like Superman.
Before the vaccine our mothers were terrified by polio. I was one of the millions of children vaccinated in 1954, the first year it was available. The news reported one faulty batch which gave more than 100 children polio and 11 of them died. Since then no cases of polio have been attributed to the Salk Vaccine.
The number of cases decreased each year. We all now know polio is almost eradicated.
I doubt one of the vaccines will be offered to me soon. I agree the risks of Covid are likely worse than risks of the vaccine.
cubrnjvm, MSN, RN
61 Posts
do not worry, South FL will be receiving 1 million of doses for 9.4 million approximately residents, you will have time to see how it goes, besides it will not be mandatory because of its emergency use, however, as some people think, if you are at risk I guess will be better the risk of the vaccine than the COVID
398 Posts
I would get it but not until June after my baby is born.
15,507 Posts
We will get vaccinated as soon as that option is available to retired nurses in Alaska. We are hoping to travel to visit our distant children next thanksgiving.
katerinsols, BSN
12 Posts
Well myself and a few nurses are weary of it because of how it is being rushed and I trust the government to cut corners. I am no anti vaxxer but seeing how this vaccine has been made into a whole political thing..
I feel like people should be given options, why should we always be forced to do this. I would like to read the studies on the trials.
If anything I believe the most vulnerable should be given the vaccine. I would rather wear my mask, wash my hands and distance. Right now I still have the antibodies from when I got it back in March. Just no..
Probably, BSN
15 Posts
I presume that you all are aware that this vaccine isn't a traditional vaccine? That is, this vaccine doesn't make use of a weakened COVID-19 virus. This vaccine will use messenger RNA (mRNA). I'd be less leery if the vaccine did contain an attenuated COVID-19 virus. However, mRNA! That's too worrisome!