C'Mon Now!

Specialties School

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Had a kid bring his wet, bloody tooth and plop it right on my desk.

C'mon now!

Or the kid that did running knee slide into my office.

C'mon now!

The ones old enough to cover their mouths but choose to cough right in your face instead.

All together: C'mon now!!

Some things just make me shake my head.

SchoolNurseTXstyle said:

Wow, so proud of myself. I have discovered "THE CURE FOR SEVERE MIGRAINES."


And neurologists everywhere rejoiced...

Specializes in kids.
ctate said:

Called LD in for V/H screening. Asked student if she went to the dr. and she said, "yes" (sad).

Me: What did they do?

LD: Took blood.

ME: When will they let you know?

LD: (very rejected and sad) I'm not.

(Inside I am doing my happy dance. At the same time I'm scared because she wants to be pregnant and probably will be before she graduates next year.)

Ugh...they have NO clue...

Five minutes after the opening bell little one comes in with note from teacher. "He is sweating and has not been running." Temp nl, no s/s of any illness. Umm, maybe he should remove one of his sweatshirts… TGIF!!!

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.
SchoolNurseTXstyle said:

After hydration, crackers, blowing his nose and resting on cot 15 minutes, he jumps up and says "I am fine, can I go back to class."

Wow, so proud of myself. I have discovered "THE CURE FOR SEVERE MIGRAINES."


Uh... duh! Saltines cure everything!!

(sigh... I only wish this were the case as a longtime migraine sufferer myself. )

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
Flare said:
Uh... duh! Saltines cure everything!!

(sigh... I only wish this were the case as a longtime migraine sufferer myself. )

Must have been the perfect level of staleness. It's the staleness factor that influences cure ability right?

Teenager: The sports director wants me to ask you if I can play basketball with a fractured finger.

Me: No.

Teen: What if I tape it?

Me: No

Teen: What if I use A LOT of tape.

Me: No.

Teen: What if the athletic trainer says OK...

Me: ::stares::

Teen: He's going to say no, isn't he?

Me: Yeah. If, you want to ask your doctor, and your doctor OKs it, then you can play.

C'mon now! You fractured it YESTERDAY! Let the poor finger heal!

Specializes in DD, PD/Agency Peds, School Sites.

Working the middle school health office today...boy, do I have an academy award winner in here at the moment. This kid came in complaining of a vague vision problem in only one corner of one eye...and it magically disappeared after talking to mom. Now, he's back...with nausea. What a coincidence that they are running a mile in PE today. Had kid call his mother so she could enjoy the performance, too. C'mon now!

Specializes in kids.

Oh... A student was completely soaked from the rain (I did not ask how) and asked for a change of clothes. I was able to accommodate her and said I would toss her clothes in the athletic dept dryer. As I was talking to her, she pranced out of the room she changed in with just a long tee shirt ready to go to class!!! She was going to wear it as a dress!!!

STOP!!!! :banghead:

Let's find a pair of pants before you go sashaying into the hall way with a tee-shirt on that was easily mid thigh!!!

Thanks goodness it is vacation in 2 hours!!!

7:47 AM today: School starts at 8:30.

1. Temp 102.8. Dad asks me if it really is necessary that she be picked up??

2. Abdominal pain / vomiting. Out of mom's car and straight to clinic leaving a puddle of vomit behind her..

Seriously??? Really??? C'MON NOW!!!!!

Specializes in NCSN.
GmaPearl BSN RN said:
Five minutes after the opening bell little one comes in with note from teacher. "He is sweating and has not been running." Temp nl, no s/s of any illness. Umm, maybe he should remove one of his sweatshirts… TGIF!!!

I always have a rush first thing in the morning with the "my teacher said to come here" crowd.

I am working on a SNAP template that will be titled "Teacher requested visit"

5th grade boy came in clearly in pain. His molar that recently had a filling placed is "throbbing and the air hurts it, like when I take a deep breath" he also states, without prompting or leading questions, that it hurts "like a shock" when his teeth touch as he talks. He's holding his mouth slightly open and speaking very carefully. I call grandma because his parents are out of town. Grandma is going to call the dentist and is on her way to pick him up. Awesome, no big deal.

While we wait, dad calls all angry. He insists that "if you can't see any swelling then he's faking it to get out of his test today"

ME: Sir, dental issues generally are not visible until things are really, really bad. He does appear in pain and he's already taken his test-that's why he waited until 10 to come down, even though it's been hurting since he woke up. He described the pain as throbbing and like a shock, which is what I'd expect with a dental complaint.

Angry Dad: Well, you probably put those ideas in his head. Throbbing and shock aren't words that a 5th grade boy uses, those are nurse words.

ME: I'm just relaying what he told me and what I'm observing. He appears in pain and grandma said that she would pick him up shortly.

Angry Dad: mumbles something and hangs up

Just got a call from grandma-they did a root canal and his abscessed molar...C'Mon now

Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..
SchoolNurseTXstyle said:
7:47 AM today: School starts at 8:30.

Why on earth are kids allowed in almost an hour before school starts! Yuck! Ours aren't let in until 20 minutes prior to the bell. Lord, I can only imagine how full my office would be if they were allowed in that early.

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