C'Mon Now!

Specialties School

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Had a kid bring his wet, bloody tooth and plop it right on my desk.

C'mon now!

Or the kid that did running knee slide into my office.

C'mon now!

The ones old enough to cover their mouths but choose to cough right in your face instead.

All together: C'mon now!!

Some things just make me shake my head.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
MrNurse(x2) said:
I played lacrosse goalie when helmets were 2cm thick plastic and chest protectors were the same thickness as an Amazon box. I know I am a little messed up.

Yea, that explains it!!

Specializes in School.

C'mon Now...

Why do you want to have lice so bad????????

I have Little Darling that will want to get out of class for a head check.(She is a jr. with a history of lice when she was younger) I had informed her GM last month I was no longer going to check her hair due to never finding anything for the last year and a half. Student will not wash her hair for up to 5 days and that will make her Eczema/psoriasis flare up and be all flaky, then come in and want me to check. By this time her hair smelly, oily and just plum gross. She does this because it has gotten her sent home in the past or at least out of class for a few minutes.

Today she had the teacher call, come into the office twice and even called GM to tell her she had found 2 bugs. When I told her no to checking, she stormed out of my office and said something to the affect of "well, when I get it, it will be your fault."

After GM called me and informed me of LD phone call to her, I called for LD to come to the nurse out of the cafeteria. After I waited for her to come to my office, I went to the cafeteria, walked the lower halls and checked the down stairs restrooms and she was no where to be found.

I called GM and informed her the student was missing and I would not call her out of class to check. GM said "yeah, she is probably wanting to come home." (Ya think?)

I called the front office and said if student attempted to use the phone to send her to me. Well, guess what she comes into my office after the tardy bell rings. I inform her again that I will not check her hair and to go to class. I also said if you find another bug bring it to me. (Now I have to cover bases, because she will work the circuit (counselors, janitor, administrators, teachers, anyone who will listen) to try to get to my office.)


Specializes in School Nurse.

Dirty, greasy eczema hair Is.The.Worst.

OldDude said:
The patient population we see at the pedi urgent care clinic I work pool at is 95% Medicaid. Nuff said.

This makes me remember when I first became a nurse at the ripe old age of 40 and had never heard the term "Medicaid" before because in California, we call it Medi-Cal. I got mixed up initially because Medicaid and Medicare sound so alike.

I worked in our small town ER and yes, most of the walk-in patients were Medi-Cal. So, I get what you are saying. I did L&D too and that was an interesting gig as well.

I still have a photo of a beautiful toddler-aged girl in a stroller with a can of Coca-Cola in her hands. Who gives Coca-Cola to a toddler?

C'Mon Now!

Specializes in School.

Little Darling-"I need to talk to privately."

Me: Come on in.

LD: Do you have one of those test?

Me: (knowing full well what she is talking about, but just have to hear her say it) What kind of test?

LD: A pregnancy test.

Me: No. Aren't you on the shot?

LD: Yes, but I had unprotected sex 3-4 DAYS ago.


(LD is same student who wanted to have lice.)

C'mon now...stepping up her game.

Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..

I called a Dad on a kiddo that came in a few times in the same day last week. I told him I didn't feel he needed to come home, but he could talk to him and make the decision, gave him the doctor note/parent note spiel.

He sends in a doctors note today. Attached to the note is a parent note saying that he received a call from the school nurse at 1252, picked the student up at 1:00 and took him to the doctor... he signed it "thank you for the inconvenience."

Umm... you decided to pick him up. Your fault dude.

ctate said:
Little Darling-"I need to talk to privately."

Me: Come on in.

LD: Do you have one of those test?

Me: (knowing full well what she is talking about, but just have to hear her say it) What kind of test?

LD: A pregnancy test.

Me: No. Aren't you on the shot?

LD: Yes, but I had unprotected sex 3-4 DAYS ago.

Oh, man... So glad I'm working with the littlest ones now... :wideyed:

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.
SullyRN said:
I called a Dad on a kiddo that came in a few times in the same day last week. I told him I didn't feel he needed to come home, but he could talk to him and make the decision, gave him the doctor note/parent note spiel.

He sends in a doctors note today. Attached to the note is a parent note saying that he received a call from the school nurse at 1252, picked the student up at 1:00 and took him to the doctor... he signed it "thank you for the inconvenience."

Umm... you decided to pick him up. Your fault dude.

Everybody wants rights but no one wants responsibility. Wow! Had a student last year I sent home with need for concussion clearance. Parent sent him back without, student c/o headache every day- office rest every day. Mom and Dad called irritated that he is not in class. Reminded that I could do something different if I had a doctor's note, never got it. Did this for 5 days, he went home and did not brain rest, always MY fault that he was not in class. :no:

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

I had 5 students in the clinic earlier...

Student 1: legit 7th grader with a headache

Student 2: needed to call her mom because other kids were making her feel awkward & maybe now she'd rather try out for soccer instead of tennis because who wants to play tennis with people who make her feel awkward??

Student 3: needed to call her mom to remind her to bring her clothes for soccer tryouts

Student 4: had grass on his knee for which he needs an ice pack

Student 5: was hit in the head with a football and reporting the full list of concussion symptoms..ahem

Seriously, the weather is WAY too warm for February. Can we get a good icing or snowing or SOMETHING?

MrNurse(x2) said:
Everybody wants rights but no one wants responsibility. Wow! Had a student last year I sent home with need for concussion clearance. Parent sent him back without, student c/o headache every day- office rest every day. Mom and Dad called irritated that he is not in class. Reminded that I could do something different if I had a doctor's note, never got it. Did this for 5 days, he went home and did not brain rest, always MY fault that he was not in class. :no:

YET, I bet every single time you tried to send him to class - he complained to the teacher who sent him right back down.

The struggle is real EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.
SchoolNurseTXstyle said:
YET, I bet every single time you tried to send him to class - he complained to the teacher who sent him right back down.

The struggle is real EVERY SINGLE DAY!

He never even made it to class, he came to me EVERY DAY at the beginning of the day, I had him sit out and excused his absence because we didn't have doctor's clearance. Mom eventually said this renowned neurologist told her over the phone that he was fine to go back to school. I asked that he fax that release and she had an excuse.:banghead: The worst part, she is a friend and putting me in a very awkward situation.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

I was hanging at the window overseeing recess when I saw a girl walking up the hill with a hand over her eye. I saw that she was able to open it and seemed fine, hopeful, but no. She went to the teacher/ monitor and I saw her coming back towards the door. I get the word over radio that she got poked with a stick and unable to see. This girl is a drama mama and I knew better than ask how many fingers she sees. She came with both eyes open and sticking to her blindness story. I took my penlight and had her isolate her eye, PEARL-A then grabbed my thermometer and started to bring it to her eye. I didn't get within a foot of her eye and she was jumping asking "what is that?". I said that I suppose she can see alright and she agreed. Status Dramaticus, yet again.

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