Anyone can get into Nursing.

Nurses General Nursing


I was so offended yesterday!

I am not yet a nurse, but I am planning to go to college to major in nursing.

My boyfriend & I had a heated discussion yesterday about nursing.

He basically said "Anyone can be a nurse. You are gonna go to college for it, when my sister who dropped outta high school is taking classes & she will be YOUR boss. It is an easy job. You dont really do much; it just consist of memorizing info. You really don't do much work. ANYONE CAN BE A NURSE!"

I got so ****** that he actually did feel that way. I seriously want to be a nurse & for someone to say that all I'm doing is working under a physician & "handing him gloves" hurts my feelings.

This is weird.

He said he can see me attacking him before he would ever attack me.

But, he always says if I cheat on him, he'll hurt me.

& he isnt joking about that.

If the sis dropped out of college, how is she going to community college?

She didn't frop out of college.

She dropped out of high school at the age of 16.

Ok, perhaps I need to be a bit more specific. Any time somebody threatens to hurt you, you need to take that as a clue to get away from the person in question. Infidelity or not, you do not go around hurting people.

OOPS. I meant out of high school.

Specializes in long term care, alzheimer's, ltc rehab.

i grew up with an abusive father...always calling me "retarded" (i have cerebral palsy) "stupid, "worthless", he even went as far as to say i wasn't his son...i was the live-in babysitter. i was also getting beat every time i turned around simply because he woke up that day.

he would say "shut up or i'll kick your ****ing teeth in" laughing, exactly like india's bf....then the next thing i knew...bam! :cry: oh, well, i just remember i'm gonna get my lpn and he'll be at the same factory job he's been at for god knows how long...and when it happens i'll say..."this is what you thought i was too retarded to does it feel to be proven wrong??"

india, sweetie, i'm gonna speak to you like a big brother for a second. this is the classic sign of an not let it get that far. **hugs**


India you know he is NOT kidding around. You just want to believe it, you WANT it to be kidding. It's NOT. It is assault (the promise or threat to do harm). It verbal assault. Please tell someone your Mom, grandmother, aunt, teacher or someone. You need to get out of this relationship before he kids some more and actually physically harms you.

This has nothing to do with age, job, intelligence it has to do with your safety. India you are an intelligent young woman and you deserve to be respected.

A clerk at the dollar tree deserves just as much respect as the queen of England, a ditch digger or the head of a major corporation. It's not about that.

It is now about YOU. Get some help please. Don't let him hurt you.

Specializes in CCU & CTICU.

I never thought about it as abusive before.

I know sometimes when I'm with him I feel down.

Sometimes he thratens to hit me or something.

But, again, it's in a playful way.

Like, we are kidding around with each other & just joking & i say something & then he says something like "shut up before i punch you"

So, last night we were driving & I told him that I actually believe that he will hit me one day. & he seemed upset. He said "I can't believe you actually think I would hit you. That bothers me"

He said that twice.

Sometimes, we just don't see the signs. We laugh it off, make an excuse and next thing you know, well, I'd rather not think about it. Sometimes we do need someone else to sit us down and show them to us.

Even after they divorced, my mom was always making excuses for my father's miserable behavior. I had to be the one to tell him off. It took a long time for her to see. And we've never been happier since he's been gone.

Honestly, some of the stuff in this thread scares me.

Please get out of this relationship.

No one deserves to be treated badly.

No one.

On a positive note, I wish you luck with your nursing aspirations! :D

Specializes in Ortho, Case Management, blabla.

You're 17 years old. Dump the bastard. Who cares? If you want to be a nurse, be a nurse. DOn't let some d-bag dictate your life and what you do with it.

Specializes in LTC.

this guy thinks higher of a dropout(quiter) than he thinks of you. is he really worth your time? i am not being ugly but when nursing is put down i take it to heart. NURSING is hard and sometimes thankless work but most days it gives you a sence of worth and pride. I had a pt with renal failure among other things, his wife sat by his bed day and night every chance i got i would spend alittle extra time with them i even bought the wife a throw blanket to help her be more comfortable he died shortly after and the wife went on. several mths later i was in line at a store i did not know but she was there with her daughter her vision failing as she heard me speaking to somebody in line she followed my voice with her daughter at her side as she approached me she had started to cry saying i know its you i said yes and hugged her we stood there talking for a long time and her daughter then told me that her mother told everyone at the funeral about the nurse who cared for her husband (and her) until the end. when i think of this i know i would never want to be anything other than a nurse and anyone with no respect for that could not be in my immediate circles. you will live and learn and as the days pass things will be very clear to you. i wish you all the luck in the world !

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.
this guy thinks higher of a dropout(quiter) than he thinks of you.

I'm sorry, but I find that statement to be offensive. I dropped out of high school, and have gone on to earn two college degrees. I am anything but a quitter, and resent the implication that because a person dropped out of high school, that makes them somehow inferior.

Specializes in Im interested in ob,L&D, crna, and np.

I understand completely why you got upset.If nursing was so easy then most people would be a nurse. I am majoring in nursing and my boyfriend supports me 100 percent. Sometimes when Im depressed about my work, he encourages me to keep going. You need somebody like that on your team.Girl you need to kick him to the curve or school him because he doesn't sound intelligent at all. Im not trying to talk bad about him or anything, but you need to avoid negative energy and do what's best for you.


I never thought about it as abusive before.

I know sometimes when I'm with him I feel down.

Sometimes he thratens to hit me or something.

But, again, it's in a playful way.

Like, we are kidding around with each other & just joking & i say something & then he says something like "shut up before i punch you"

So, last night we were driving & I told him that I actually believe that he will hit me one day. & he seemed upset. He said "I can't believe you actually think I would hit you. That bothers me"

He said that twice.

People who love you encourage and support you. They don't make you feel down nor do they mock your dreams. They don't make fun of you and they don't make you feel bad about yourself. And they certainly don't threaten to hit you in a joking manner. Healthy people don't behave this way.

You are only 17 and have your whole life ahead of you. I bet you are a smart, pretty, and nice girl. You can do better. Get out before you get hurt. And keep up your studies. I bet you will be a great nurse!!

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