Anyone can get into Nursing.

Nurses General Nursing


I was so offended yesterday!

I am not yet a nurse, but I am planning to go to college to major in nursing.

My boyfriend & I had a heated discussion yesterday about nursing.

He basically said "Anyone can be a nurse. You are gonna go to college for it, when my sister who dropped outta high school is taking classes & she will be YOUR boss. It is an easy job. You dont really do much; it just consist of memorizing info. You really don't do much work. ANYONE CAN BE A NURSE!"

I got so ****** that he actually did feel that way. I seriously want to be a nurse & for someone to say that all I'm doing is working under a physician & "handing him gloves" hurts my feelings.

He does it in a jokingly way.

I don't think he knows he hurts my feelings.

He was laughing the enitre time he was saying the whole "nurse" thing.

He knows, trust me he knows. He is doing it in a joking way to cover it up. That is called passive/aggressive and he will never change.

Hit him with a large dead fish.[/quote']

yeah, do it like this


He said that I want to get int nursing because I'm "dumb" && it's fairly easy.

He said they are making nursing easier & easier because it's such a huge shortage & they need more nurses.

Perhaps it's time for a new boyfriend... to say you are "dumb" is not supportive in the least. I hope you follow your heart, not just in your choice of career, but in your choice of a life mate. Cherish yourself, appreciate yourself, and then find someone who can do the same for you.. Be happy in your heart.

Specializes in Operating Room.
He said that I want to get int nursing because I'm "dumb" && it's fairly easy.

He said they are making nursing easier & easier because it's such a huge shortage & they need more nurses.

Seriously, you need to show this guy the door. It's one thing to degrade your choice of career, which is bad enough. But, to call you "dumb"?

Sounds more to me that he's threatened by your intelligence and the idea that once you are a nurse, you'll be in a profession where the pay is decent, the job stability is very good, and you really won't need him at all.

Too many decent guys out there to stay with this loser!

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.

Your BF is dead wrong about nursing. He hasn't a clue what he is talking about. BTW, I was a high school dropout and have graduated from college with a degree twice. The most recent was an ADN, and I had to have a 4.0 GPA just to get in, and I maintained As and Bs while working and raising kids. This is no small feat.

He sounds like a self absorbed, immature twit who couldn't handle a strong, independent woman.

Specializes in Med/surg, Quality & Risk.

I know this isn't why you posted, and the advice is unsolicited, but please get out of this relationship. If you don't believe the many ladies who have said the same thing about this conduct being a precursor to abuse, google "signs of an abuser" and read it. Chances are he does more things on that list than just call you stupid. Abusers don't like educated women because they want to keep you under their thumb financially, emotionally and otherwise so that it's impossible for you to leave.

i agree with all the posts saying he is abusive and you have to get away from him people who are abusive don't get better they get worse. what he is doing is classic he is making you feel like nothing and than he will start telling you can't do any better than him and than more than likely will start the physical abuse please get away while you can. If he really cared about you he wouldn't call you dumb or stupid even in a joking way. think of it this way if you stay with this guy and have a child with him he will do the same things to them and if you have boys they may grow up thinking that it is ok to treat women this way because this is how dad treats mom. if you would have girls they might grow up and think its ok to be with a guy who does this to them because mom lets dad do it to her. Again Please leave him.

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.

A man of quality is not threatened by a woman of equality.

Specializes in Psych.

There's something else I wanted to point out. You didn't mention that your boyfriend has any college plans. His snide remarks could also be intended to mock your plans for higher education, rather than, or maybe in addition to, your choice of career. There are way too many people out there who equate college with trade school (i.e. you go there so that you can BE a certain something when you're all, engineer,etc.). Such people would regard a person who went to college and earned a degree in a field they were passionate about - say, Russian Literature - who then enjoyed a personally satisfying and financially rewarding career as a plumber, in a negative light. They might view him/her sadly, thinking they should be doing something 'more' with their degree (say, college professor), or that their education was a 'waste' because they could have been a plumber without having to go to college.


A college education is all about shaping your mind and the way you look at the world. If it happens to prepare you for a specific career, then that's an added plus, but it has value in and of itself. There are plenty of people out there working in professions that don't 'require' a college degree who have one nonetheless and couldn't/wouldn't have it otherwise.

Again, be wary of this boyfriend. He has motives in making these comments and they aren't ones that have YOUR best interests at heart.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

As you get older and more mature, you'll learn to ignore offensive and ignorant comments like that. In the meantime, tell you boyfriend if he has nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Specializes in med-surg.
He said that I want to get int nursing because I'm "dumb" && it's fairly easy.

He said they are making nursing easier & easier because it's such a huge shortage & they need more nurses.

Listen, I have a BA in psychology and am only 6 classes shy of a biology degree--and they are garbage classes like basic physics and the second parts of chemistry and spanish.

I can honestly say that nursing school is the hardest education I have ever had.

And when they start calling you 'dumb', the insults climb from there. It doesn't get better. You are too young to waste your time on some jerk that belittles your self-esteem. Tell the idiot that he obviously needs a smarter girlfriend and totally cut him out of your life completely and immediately.

Specializes in med-surg.
He talks down to me sometimes.

He usually calls me dumb & stupid.


You are only 17. Why would you want to continue to see someone that treats you like that? You deserve better--no man has the right to talk to a woman like that. Walk away.

peace bec

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