Anyone can get into Nursing.

Nurses General Nursing


I was so offended yesterday!

I am not yet a nurse, but I am planning to go to college to major in nursing.

My boyfriend & I had a heated discussion yesterday about nursing.

He basically said "Anyone can be a nurse. You are gonna go to college for it, when my sister who dropped outta high school is taking classes & she will be YOUR boss. It is an easy job. You dont really do much; it just consist of memorizing info. You really don't do much work. ANYONE CAN BE A NURSE!"

I got so ****** that he actually did feel that way. I seriously want to be a nurse & for someone to say that all I'm doing is working under a physician & "handing him gloves" hurts my feelings.

Specializes in Mental Health.

OK ... OK ... I know how easy it is to be a nurse :p It only takes three years of study...

But being a Brit ... WTdang is a dollar tree?

Specializes in Psych.
OK ... OK ... I know how easy it is to be a nurse :p It only takes three years of study...

But being a Brit ... WTdang is a dollar tree?

It's the name of a chain of stores in the US of the type known as a 'dollar store', in which (nearly) all the items for sale cost one US dollar. The original poster's boyfriend is a clerk at one of these.

Specializes in Pediatrics (Burn ICU, CVICU).
He said that I want to get int nursing because I'm "dumb" && it's fairly easy.

He said they are making nursing easier & easier because it's such a huge shortage & they need more nurses.

I think I'd tell him that I was only dumb for putting up with his a**. Then I'd lose the loser.

Specializes in ICU, OR.
He currently works at a Dollar Tree. He is 18 & I'm 17.

He wants his career to be in the music field.

He plays the guitar & stuff. Heavily influenced by Bob Dylan.

Sounds like my ex-husband about 15 years ago. He now sits on his a** at home and draws a check and visits the methadone clinic. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Specializes in Cardiac, Adolescent/Child Mental Health.

He's trying to belittle you and your dreams and accomplishments because it doesn't sound like he has any that he can realistically achieve. He feels insecure that you might actually achieve your goal. And probably that you even have goals. His statements about our profession reveal his ignorance.

I'd tell him to kick rocks. You're too young to hang with that loser for long.

I'm curious as to what classes his sister is taking if she's going to be your boss?

I doubt she will be my boss...ever.

She is taking classes at a community college.

Whereas, I will be working towards my master's degree in nursing.

& he believes it doesnt matter.

He said "You'll be walking around with your masters degree while my sister is your boss"."


I never thought about it as abusive before.

I know sometimes when I'm with him I feel down.

Sometimes he thratens to hit me or something.

But, again, it's in a playful way.

Like, we are kidding around with each other & just joking & i say something & then he says something like "shut up before i punch you"

So, last night we were driving & I told him that I actually believe that he will hit me one day. & he seemed upset. He said "I can't believe you actually think I would hit you. That bothers me"

He said that twice.

Specializes in Mental Health.
It's the name of a chain of stores in the US of the type known as a 'dollar store', in which (nearly) all the items for sale cost one US dollar. The original poster's boyfriend is a clerk at one of these.

Thanks for the info las2009 ... I thought that was it meant.

I was just confused by the "tree" bit I thought it might be a cheap way of finding your ancestors.

We have a special name for people like him this side of the pond.

We call them ' pillocks'

Please Please leave before something bad happens. He maybe doesn't see what he does as abuse and maybe you haven't either but it is. I can see why you would think he coulde hit you because i think he will. he isn't the type of guy you want to be with. You say when he puts you down he is joking when he says shutup or i will punch you he says it in a joking way that is how abusers operate. Your boyfriend is abusive. Do your parents know whats going on i doubt it because i think you know they would tell you to leave him


I never thought about it as abusive before.

I know sometimes when I'm with him I feel down.

Sometimes he thratens to hit me or something.

But, again, it's in a playful way.

Like, we are kidding around with each other & just joking & i say something & then he says something like "shut up before i punch you"

So, last night we were driving & I told him that I actually believe that he will hit me one day. & he seemed upset. He said "I can't believe you actually think I would hit you. That bothers me"

He said that twice.

You are seventeen, so, I guess you may be a bit naive. However, when somebody says "shut up before I punch you" you should take this as a clue that he/she is up to no good.

Kick him to the curb and he can play "Tangled up in blue" all day long to get over the loss.

I am no relationship expert; however, with the information provided, I can see the writing on the wall.

If the sis dropped out of college, how is she going to community college?

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