write-up for insubordination because I turned my back to cry...

Nurses Relations


I need your help!!!! I am being written up for insubordination on my 6th day of employment because when my employer was criticizing me for my work and telling me how much stress and how many errors I had made for him I started crying and turned my back to him on instinct. You know from experience that I have a tendency to cry, and I meant no harm by turning my back, but he took it as an affront. I have not been trained to work there, they showed me the clinical side that you already trained me to do in school, showed me the computer system and told me I would need to learn it, then cut me loose and expected me to know how to use the system like a pro by myself on the 3rd day. I thought I was cruising along using the forms I had figured out on my own and nobody said anything about it until today, other than that I needed to speed up. The girl that was supposed to train me was leaving me to my own devices and showing me to use forms that are no longer valid in our system only when I begged her to show me how to use the system. I don't know what to do. I am swamped, way in over my head and now I am suspended in lieu of termination tomorrow and facing insubordination write-up when I return on monday. what can I do? I'm so scared. This could end my nursing career before it even begins. Please help

Specializes in CVICU.

I agree with the masses here. You need to resign because if you don't, if they don't fire you this time, they will after you have an investment there. Right now you have nothing to lose except your self esteem for a short time. This experience will make you stronger believe me and you will look back one day and be proud of yourself if you don't let them jack you around.

Frustrates me to no end that this is the way we are treated! Nursing is so dysfunctional.

This is actual a bullying/ violence move.

You will see it again.

I hope the next time you turn around... it will be to drop your drawers.. and tell 'em to kiss it!

That is not a place you need to be... you need a good orientation.

Good luck...

NO more tears... they are not worth it.:hug:

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
I'm not going to make friends with this.

You need to work on taking criticism better. You are going to be criticized no matter what job you have. Yeah you had a **** orientation and that makes it hard on you too, but is it really necessary?

Well, you're right about that.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
Oh right I'm a guy and dont cry. I forget that I dont have emotions and cant get upset over things. I dont let my emotions get the best of me sometimes. Maybe I was a screw up enough when I was younger and had to deal with criticism and know that sometimes it just isnt a good thing to cry. Please. :uhoh3:

You're really just digging yourself in deeper and deeper...

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.
You're really just digging yourself in deeper and deeper...

I really dont care. I dont agree with the masses here so whatever. Too many times people just blow smoke up peoples skirts here and it gets annoying.

Specializes in Hospice / Ambulatory Clinic.

So being supportive is equivilant to blowing smoke up someone's ass and you advocate for kicking someone while they are down and ssentially treat them as they have already been treated convincing them that they deserve to be treated that way.

Oh wait maybe your the one that made her cry?

The reality is the OP has already cried at work.and she doesn't have access to a timemachine.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
I really dont care. I dont agree with the masses here so whatever. Too many times people just blow smoke up peoples skirts here and it gets annoying.

Oh, I'm sure you don't care, otherwise you wouldn't have given such a calloused reply to the OP.

I echo others' replies. QUIT. Don't record the place as a reference on upcoming applications. WHEN (not if) you are hired to a new emplyer, do NOT mention the 6-day employer to anyone at your new job. I say this because most applications ask you to record all previous employers and threaten termination if not all your information has been included. If you happen to mention this bad experience at hospital X to a new friend/coworker and he/she talks, it could get back to someone like the manager.

I wish you the best of luck!

It's ok to leave a six day job off your resume, but if an employment application asks you to list all previous employers, I would put it on there.

Nursing is a small world, and simply not mentioning this job to friends or co-workers does not preclude your new employer from finding out about it...............to your detriment. I live and work in a medium size city, my nursing class had about 70 people in it, and I hear third hand about what they're doing with some regularity. So, the chances are someone in HR or management of your new employer may very well know someone from the job you just left.

It is infinitely easier to explain the circumstances of getting fired, which happens to lots of people at some point, than trying to explain why you falsified by omission an application. There are many good explanations for getting canned, but few that will cover a lapse in integrity.

Specializes in Hospice / Ambulatory Clinic.
Oh, I'm sure you don't care, otherwise you wouldn't have given such a calloused reply to the OP.

What I don't get is how people post an inflammatory comment and then follow up any critisim with "I don't care what you think" So essentially you want us to care about YOUR opinion even though you don't care about ours? :uhoh3:

Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.

I'm starting a pool: best guess as to how long it takes for this thread to be closed down? The winner gets a free kudos on their next post!! My guess is one more day.

And to make someone cry just plain out and out SUX. People like that are just bullies and well...I can't say what they are on here or I'd be banned for all time.

Have a heart some of you, hey. The OP is young I gather & hurting. I hope none of u r ever in their situation.

Specializes in UR/PA, Hematology/Oncology, Med Surg, Psych.
I really dont care. I dont agree with the masses here so whatever. Too many times people just blow smoke up peoples skirts here and it gets annoying.

No smoke blowing, I'll give it to you straight. I'm a crier, even commercials can send me on a boo-hoo, so I understand another one. Yes, as a professional it is best to keep it "all together" and not cry, BUT it is not always possible. It is not a manipulation or whatever else you may think it is, it just happens sometimes. During tough moments when I've felt the tears coming (not that often BTW) I've tried EVERYTHING to hold it in; sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't; at times a person CANNOT help it. Cut them a little slack.

To the OP: I really think you'll be out of a job with this company sooner or just a little later. It may be best to leave on your own terms. And FWIW, I don't think it would have made a difference to your manager, but in the future if the tears come just ask to excuse yourself for a moment and hit the bathroom.

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