write-up for insubordination because I turned my back to cry...

Nurses Relations


I need your help!!!! I am being written up for insubordination on my 6th day of employment because when my employer was criticizing me for my work and telling me how much stress and how many errors I had made for him I started crying and turned my back to him on instinct. You know from experience that I have a tendency to cry, and I meant no harm by turning my back, but he took it as an affront. I have not been trained to work there, they showed me the clinical side that you already trained me to do in school, showed me the computer system and told me I would need to learn it, then cut me loose and expected me to know how to use the system like a pro by myself on the 3rd day. I thought I was cruising along using the forms I had figured out on my own and nobody said anything about it until today, other than that I needed to speed up. The girl that was supposed to train me was leaving me to my own devices and showing me to use forms that are no longer valid in our system only when I begged her to show me how to use the system. I don't know what to do. I am swamped, way in over my head and now I am suspended in lieu of termination tomorrow and facing insubordination write-up when I return on monday. what can I do? I'm so scared. This could end my nursing career before it even begins. Please help

I really dont care. I dont agree with the masses here so whatever. Too many times people just blow smoke up peoples skirts here and it gets annoying.

Then why bother? :confused:

No smoke blowing, I'll give it to you straight. I'm a crier, even commercials can send me on a boo-hoo, so I understand another one. Yes, as a professional it is best to keep it "all together" and not cry, BUT it is not always possible. It is not a manipulation or whatever else you may think it is, it just happens sometimes. During tough moments when I've felt the tears coming (not that often BTW) I've tried EVERYTHING to hold it in; sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't; at times a person CANNOT help it. Cut them a little slack.

To the OP: I really think you'll be out of a job with this company sooner or just a little later. It may be best to leave on your own terms. And FWIW, I don't think it would have made a difference to your manager, but in the future if the tears come just ask to excuse yourself for a moment and hit the bathroom.

:up: Yep. The Olympics are real water-works catalysts for me. :D

Agree w/dream'n.

Specializes in Hospice / Ambulatory Clinic.

And don't forget those SPCA ads with the kittens and the puppy dog eyes.

Thanks for all the comments/suggestions. I am going to face this mountain monday and i will post back with what happens monday night. I know that I should not have cried but like one post said, i don't have a time machine and i can't change what i did; all i can do is move forward. :)

Specializes in UR/PA, Hematology/Oncology, Med Surg, Psych.
And don't forget those SPCA ads with the kittens and the puppy dog eyes.

Oh those send me right off sobbing, especially the one with Sarah McGlaughlin

I go through Maxim Staffing. They have tons of locations. Check them out in your area. They are very new grad friendly from what I hear.

Stay away from Maxim, they will use you and abuse you.

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.
Stay away from Maxim, they will use you and abuse you.

I haven't had that experience. I have been with them for well over a year. If I don't like a job they are wanting to send me on I turn it down. I don't let myself be used and abused by anyone. All my jobs with them have been fantastic so far. No problems.

Thanks for all the comments/suggestions. I am going to face this mountain monday and i will post back with what happens monday night. I know that I should not have cried but like one post said, i don't have a time machine and i can't change what i did; all i can do is move forward. :)

You should have stuck your finger down your throat and vomited all over him. This way he would soon learn by negative reinforcement, that he needs to consider before he acts. :smokin: See, there is a work around. This man must be taught the hard way.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Pain, End of Life Care.

6 days of orientation as a new grad....hmmm...who was orienting you?

Sounds like the manager that cried "insubordination" is on a power trip. Were they ex-military? C'mon, insubordination for crying is like using a jack hammer to tap in brads!

I've had the displeasure of crying at a few of my jobs. It's usually a major indicator that I need to be movin on. I dont want to work for people that make me cry. Ya there's sh!t in this world, doesnt mean I want to step in it every day.

Thanks for all the comments/suggestions. I am going to face this mountain monday and i will post back with what happens monday night. I know that I should not have cried but like one post said, i don't have a time machine and i can't change what i did; all i can do is move forward. :)

Sometimes it just happens- don't knock yourself for that. :hug: You're human.

Hang in there, and best of luck :)

Specializes in ED/ICU/TELEMETRY/LTC.
but i am a new grad to boot and this is my first nursing job. if i am fired for insubordination from here how am i ever gonna get another job? who wants an insubordinate new grad with no experience and an alleged bad attitude?! how can i fix this? can i even fix this at all?!

So this jerk put a new grad to work with three days orientation. And HE'S stressed? Give me a break.

If you don't get fired, look for another job as soon as possible, and don't bother listing this job. (And I know this is wrong, so you guys just go ahead and beat me to death) I wouldn't work the jerk a notice at all, they are never going to hire you back anyway.

If you do get fired, go ahead and forget about listing this place of employment. I hire people all the time, I know they do it.

Ok, so, here's what happened yesterday/today. I went in to work Mon as usual. The MD accepted my apology for crying and turning my back on him, he said it was ok and not to do it again. We were slammed, as usual, and I did the best I could with what little I knew. They kept telling me I'm too slow I need to speed up, yadda yadda yadda. I'm like literally running from room to room to get the patients seen and to assist the MD. He was cracking jokes to the patients about me as I entered the room, talking to them like "did you hear someone running down the hall? those loud footsteps, they were her" and laughing. I know I'm a big(ger) girl, so I replied with a quip like "yeah I'm practicing my one hippopotamus stampede" or some such reply. That shut him up. HEHE

At the end of the shift the RN shows up to help "train" me, and shows me the things I should've been shown on the first day. I'm like "this is so ******* simple but how was I supposed to know to do it this way if I've never used an EMR before???" Once she showed me the ropes I felt more confident and was supposed to come in today for more "training" but it turned into 3 hrs of me reading official office manuals on how to do things around the office while she did her own tasks and ignored me basically. Where were these manuals when I was supposed to be shadowing on my first few days?!?! I really could've used these, they had so much information I was being called out for not knowing packed into them but they were previously unavailable to me. :mad: Moral of the story: don't ever cry at work, keep your head up, and ALWAYS ask for an idiot's guide to whatever job you get. Lord, what a way to start a job! Oh, and I AM NOT QUITTING!!! I have a backbone and I am going to show these smug jerks that they aren't getting rid of me that easily! They wanna fire me, fine. They want me to quit? HA! Fire me! I'm not a quitter and I will tough it out until they fire me. I am NOT WEAK! I just had a moment of weakness, and as a human, it happens. All I can do is move forward with my head held high and smile in their smug faces. :madface:

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