whats for lunch


Sometimes I have no clue what to pack for cold lunches for work. If I don't have leftovers I never know what to bring. Sandwhichs get so old.

So what do you like to bring for lunch. I feel I need some inspiration.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Nothing overly inspiring here just Lean Cuisines or Weight Watchers entrees. Not on a diet but they are cheap, easy and not high in calories.

I've been on a greek yogurt with fruit and granola kick.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
I've been on a greek yogurt with fruit and granola kick.

Presuming I get time to actually sit down and eat I do one or more of the following . I always pack an apple in my bag along with some MOJO bars. I have to get the most quality calories for my buck because too much and what remains of my colon.........Well let's just say it aint pretty.

Every week I roast a whole chicken and shred it down so I have meat for sandwiches, wraps and Salads. I always keep a few lean Cuisines in the freezer for when I am uninspired.


An almond cashew flax seed kind bar and a cliff bar. Eat the kind bar for a snack and cliff for my lunch. Do that if I'm too busy to eat. If I'm not subway is open till 3am at my hospital.

New grads that can't put 2+2 together.

Specializes in Emergency.

Leftovers. Usually something that had a mother & a face, veggies, maybe dessert. Occasionally vegetarian, but not often.

Specializes in Surgical, quality,management.

Meat based protein such as a tin of tuna or ham, lettuce, tomato. I have a pack of the microwave steam veggies bags in the freezer at work to have with meaty leftovers.

My fitness pal has some good salad recipes.

Have you got a sandwich toaster at work? Most things taste better with melted cheese.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

On Sundays I make bowls of fruit salad for the week. Granola bars, chicken salad, or pack bread and lunch meat separate so it stays fresh.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I usually bring one of the following: cottage cheese, yogurt, canned soup, canned turkey chili, deli-sliced roast beef with cheddar, tuna, chicken, or a high protein shake. Whatever I bring to eat must have a high protein content.

Due to insulin resistance I am no longer allowed white carbs (read: white rice, white bread, white potatoes or pasta), so sandwiches are not an option for me unless the bread is substituted for romaine lettuce.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

Veggies, fruit, seeds and nuts, sometimes hard boiled eggs or a protein shake.

Be thankful you get a lunch break. RN's go through an 8 hour shift , sometimes 12 without one.

I would pack anything I could wolf down standing up.

Plan your home meals so you have plenty of leftovers to heat up...much cheaper and healthy than any alternative.

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