Specialties School


science teacher sends a student in because she thinks he has bilateral ear infection and a "raging" fever cause his cheeks are bright red. Okay sarcastic nurse coming out.."Hi Miss science teacher I have your student in front of me...his face is bright red from running around outside, and he said his ears don't even hurt . so now Im wondering why do YOU think I need to check his ears instead of him being in science class being taught by you?"

Oh you heard his mother is home sick (mom is a teacher and is playing hooky) and there for HE has a bilateral ear infection? oh, okay, I am not checking his ears. If yYOU think he should have his ears checked, please call his mother explain WHO YOU ARE and why you want his ears checked.


Specializes in School nursing.

Dear teacher:

Okay, stop sending me congested kids I have already sent back to class. Don't tell them they cannot stay in school because they will get other kids sick. I know nasal congestion sucks. It does. It causes nausea and headache. It produces a lot of snot that can feel like germ central. Wash your hands. Pass around the hand sanitizer; heck put the bottle on that student's desk. But if I sent home every child with a head cold, you would have no one to teach. They don't have a fever and when I do send them home, you will complain when they don't do the school work they will miss.

Love, me

China Beach was one of my faves - because of her!!


Today is a very slow day because it is a fun activity sort of day where kids are making giant snowflakes but I got one kid:

"What brings you here?"

"My tooth."

"What about your tooth."

"It's loose"

"Can you pull it out?"

"No I never pull out my own teeth."

"You can come back when the tooth is out."

He is a 4th grader.

Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..

Oh, this brings to mind one of my pet peeves. Do any of your staff members pull kids loose/ready to fall out teeth?

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.
Oh, this brings to mind one of my pet peeves. Do any of your staff members pull kids loose/ready to fall out teeth?

Only my own kids. Others, I tell them to let me know when it is out, although I really don't understand why I am even involved. The teachers here have the (disgusting) tooth necklaces.

Specializes in kids.

I wanted to be Dixie and was in love with Johnny Gage!

Me too! I loved Dixie and Johnny

I wish I worked in a building full of y'all instead of the people here. Just had to verbalize it.

I wish I worked in a building full of y'all instead of the people here. Just had to verbalize it.

I know, right?!!

I love us.

This four day weekend is so close I can almost taste itattachment.php?attachmentid=20941&stc=1

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