Specialties School


science teacher sends a student in because she thinks he has bilateral ear infection and a "raging" fever cause his cheeks are bright red. Okay sarcastic nurse coming out.."Hi Miss science teacher I have your student in front of me...his face is bright red from running around outside, and he said his ears don't even hurt . so now Im wondering why do YOU think I need to check his ears instead of him being in science class being taught by you?"

Oh you heard his mother is home sick (mom is a teacher and is playing hooky) and there for HE has a bilateral ear infection? oh, okay, I am not checking his ears. If yYOU think he should have his ears checked, please call his mother explain WHO YOU ARE and why you want his ears checked.


It's Presidents' Week!

NY goes well into June, though.

And we're out before the end of May. It all levels out.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.
It's Presidents' Week!

NY goes well into June, though.

Maryland used to have "energy conservation week", supposedly the coldest week of the year, (President's week) off. Every year after it began they had an unusually warm snap (Cue: OldDude). Hence the 65F temps next week.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.



Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
This is making me uncomfortable.

I can relate.


I gotchu, buddy. :inlove:

It's Presidents' Week!

NY goes well into June, though.

I'll be loving it next week, hating it come May when you can hear crickets in here...

I'll be loving it next week, hating it come May when you can hear crickets in here...

I know. It was me and you last year. The last 2 hold outs.

We have next week off too. Happy, happy, happy….. but I'll be hanging with you too past the middle of June. (not so happy then)

Specializes in School nursing.
We have all of next week off. The entire week.

So do I. Gotta love the Northeast Feb vacation week.

I going to Vegas for the first time with a girlfriend and leaving my hubbie home with the dog. I am super pumped - it will be in the 70s while I am there!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
So do I. Gotta love the Northeast Feb vacation week.

I going to Vegas for the first time with a girlfriend and leaving my hubbie home with the dog. I am super pumped - it will be in the 70s while I am there!

Enjoy!! But remember...what happens in Vegas...;)

Specializes in kids.
So do I. Gotta love the Northeast Feb vacation week.

I going to Vegas for the first time with a girlfriend and leaving my hubbie home with the dog. I am super pumped - it will be in the 70s while I am there!

We go the LAST week of Feb Won't come soon enough! Although I am picking up 3 days at LTC :dead:

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

I got Feb Vacation next week too. Woooooooooo!!!!!

Our last day is June 14, if we don't use more than 2 snow days the rest of the winter (we've already had one). They build 3 snow days into the schedule, but tack them on to the end of the school year if we use more than 3 days.

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