Things you'd like to say to....

Specialties Emergency


Okay, I know there are a lot of threads out there with variations of the theme of "things I'd like to say to..." but honestly, they are always fun to read and, as I am sipping the second part of my "glass and a half of wine" after my terrible shift, here goes:

Stop pretending like you don't know how to pronounce Dilaudid. You can say it better than I can.

No, I don't believe you that you were beaten by the police. I think you are a huge brat who needs a spanking, there is not a dang thing wrong with you, and the sooner you go to jail, the better off we will all be...

I understand you are a hard stick and that "a surgeon" has to come and stick you when you come in. I do this many times a day. Please don't be mad at me when I get you on the first try.

Did I really hear you just tell a newer nurse (or nursing student) that floor nurses "don't do anything." Just .... shut up. If you can have the basic respect for your fellow nurses and other allied health staff, you shouldn't be around anyone who might actually take what you say seriously.

Thank you to my wonderful co-workers. You make me laugh, you pull me out of the deep end of the pool on a regular basis and I am so lucky to have you.

And finally, it's okay, ma'am. It's time for your (uncle, father, cousin) to have a higher level of care. It doesn't mean that you have failed. I've had him as a patient for 5 minutes and I want to tear my hair out; I can't imagine what it is like for you to deal with this 24 hours per day with no help. If you need to cry on my shoulder out of guilt in the hall, you can do that. But really, it's okay - you've done an amazing job but it's time.

Anyone else?

Specializes in Maternity & Well Baby Nursery.

No, I will not open your splenda, your arms are not broken. You only had a baby and as far as I know having a baby does not break your arms.

Too bad making a baby or babies does not hurt as much as delivering one (for both parties involved).

You're embarrassed that you just had your fourth kid with the same man and aren't married yet? Are you kidding me?!?

You haven't breast fed your baby in 6 hours? Because he/she was sleepy and you didn't want to disturb him/her?

You haven't breast fed your baby in 6 hours because you have these visitors and didn't want to in front of them? Couldn't ask them to leave?

All you want is breast feeding for the baby, no bottle, no pacifier and the baby is hypoglycemic, late pre-term, you are an insulin dependent diabetic or Gestational diabetic controlled with meds, you have a baby over 4000 grams or whatever puts the baby at risk for low blood sugar but haven't fed in 6 hrs. Come on!

Or your an older mom, 45 primagravida who has read everything there is to read and definitely know better than I do about breast feeding, hypoglycemic issues, or anything. You have crappy flat nipples, but won't use a shield. You have a birth plan, threaten to sue me if I don't follow it but continue to send the baby back to the nursery when you wanted to room in for 24 hours. OMG!

Okay, I have got to step off the box now. :)

This is so great, I just love to laugh... :roflmao:

Would you like me to order you a six course meal now that I've given you Zofran? (To the vomiting abdominal pain who hasn't eaten this this morning)

I cannot stop laughing! Please tell me there is not a child in this world named "Candida". Oh no!

When I was a kid, there was song by Tony Orlando & Dawn about Candida...we could make it together .... LOL

"WHY would you rather poop IN THE BED then ask for help?!"

"WHY would you rather poop IN THE BED then ask for help?!"

^^^ like like like like like like........

Crappy flat nipples lolololol.

Specializes in ED; Med Surg.

Every time we get a patient named Candida (and there have been a few) my bestie and I would giggle and wonder if her middle name was "albicans".

Specializes in ED.

"What's that? You say you can't afford your ABX? But I saw you talking on your iPhone 6000s walking in here on the newest Nikes and carrying your Coach bag with the cigarettes and iPad sticking out of. I'm sorry, lemme have the doc rewrite you for the $4 one."

"Oh, you've actually only been here for 75 minutes but your watch is saying you've been here for 3 hours. I'm sorry you are having to wait on us to see you to refill your insulin that you've been out of for over a week. I see, your lack of planning is now MY emergency."

"I'm so sorry you are upset that you are going straight out to triage today with that abdominal pain we see you for every other day. It must suck to have to suffer from nothing while other people are actively trying to die. And no, we won't get you back any faster with that display of wrenching foolishness. Pretending to vomit will not actually get you meds in the lobby either. You're going to the 'other' hospital you say? Ok, I'll call them and let em know you are on the way."

** the above actually did happen and he/she tried to get a cabulance to pick take him/her to the other er and got pi$$ed that they wouldn't take him/her.

Here I am sitting at home today too because I have the dam shingles and can't work when I really actually WANT to work. Shingles that are stressed-induced. Wonder where that stress came from. ::eye roll::

Unfortunately many lol.[/quote']

Who in their right mind would name a child after a yeast infection? I almost fell out of my chair from laughing.

"Here I am sitting at home today too because I have the dam shingles and can't work when I really actually WANT to work. Shingles that are stressed-induced. Wonder where that stress came from. ::eye roll::

I know. I've been down for the count with some viral funk and so looking forward to returning...

Specializes in Emergency.
Who in their right mind would name a child after a yeast infection? I almost fell out of my chair from laughing.

This is actually a case of a yeast infection being given a girl's name. Candida is "white" in Latin and actually a not uncommon name in some of the languages that closely derive therefrom. Wouldn't be my choice, but for many people

a) this may be a family name

b) lifted it from literature or a famous person they admire (there are several)

c) have no idea what its medical meaning is, or don't care

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